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Seasoned_Greetings commented on I modded r/RedditAlternatives, got banned multiple times earlier on for making lemmy migration initatives on Reddit just to be unbanned later thanks to community backlash, now I settle at Lemmy.

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I recommend to my low tech friends and to everyone else. is great. Only reason I'm on my alt right now is because is having some server issues that are getting resolved this weekend

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Seasoned_Greetings commented on Republicans Trying To Kill Program That Brings Affordable Broadband To The Poor

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Not for the corporations that make money off of extorting a basic necessity from poor people! Won't someone think of the corporations?

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Seasoned_Greetings commented on Trump Asks Supreme Court to Keep Him on Colorado Ballot

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Translation: "I watch exclusively conservative media and consequently have no idea what's real or not"

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Seasoned_Greetings commented on Yes because the communists thought Hitler was right

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The guy who makes these lives in Italy or Greece or something. It's been awhile since I saw the bio, but he's definitely not American. He's either a wannabe alt-righter cosplaying an American MAGA hat or he's a genius troll poking at the American right. Either way, don't take these comics as anything but heavy satire.

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Seasoned_Greetings commented on Fox News Segment Backfires When Psychic Predicts ‘Sense of Loss’ for Trump in 2024

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News used to be 60 minutes just after prime time. Now they have whole channels with news 24/7/365. Have to fill all that air time with something

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Seasoned_Greetings commented on Kellyanne Conway thinks Republicans can win back women in 2024 by saying, “We took away your abortion rights, but we’re letting you keep contraception”

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Or Woefully ignorant. I know some of those

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Seasoned_Greetings commented on It's wild that they get away with charging for it

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World of Warcraft ushered in the "games as a service" model, not the "pay to access online features" model. Warcraft doesn't charge you for accessing the internet on your computer.

If WOW was available on console, you'd be paying Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo as well as Blizzard. That's the difference. They are similar, but WOW didn't cause consoles to go pay only for online games.

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Seasoned_Greetings commented on Why do we have an internal monologue?

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There is a voice I consciously control, and there is one that I don't. They kind of intermingle into a single monologue, but I can still hear the one I don't control when I consciously turn off my monologue. It's still a quiet presence almost in the back of my mind.

One way I've rationalized it, it's like when you meditate and your thoughts still flow over you. You don't actively control those thoughts, that's kind of the point. I'm finding that those thoughts have a coherent voice for me. They speak through my monologue, but they are still there when I shut my monologue off. Under the surface, quieter, with the rest of the thoughts I don't control.

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Seasoned_Greetings commented on Why do we have an internal monologue?

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One of the "constantly" group here. It's a bit more like having someone to talk to all the time who is also me. I can turn it off, but it has to be a concentrated effort and as soon as I'm not concentrated on keeping it silent it comes back.

I've spent many years wondering at the nature of the little voice, especially after I learned that not everyone has it. It's not controlling or contradictory, it's a bit more like a narrator for my feelings and a driving point for logic.

I've come to the conclusion that what it actually is is my subconscious manifesting as a conversational partner. Kind of like an avatar that represents the part of me that isn't the literal point of consciousness inside my head. Make of that what you will.

Don't get me wrong, I still think in pictures and non-verbal inclinations. That doesn't really go away either. But it's like having a narrator alongside it that also speaks in the first person.

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Seasoned_Greetings commented on Get a millenium falcon!

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A true man of the people! With the right connections, you'd do quite well in 14th century Europe!