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Why do social workers get upset when you don't want their help?

Why do social workers get upset when you don't want their help?

Let me preface by saying, I have my SUV all set up with a bed and a kitchen and all the amenities I need to camp out in the woods. I like it that way I'm enjoying myself I see no reason to change.

A couple of times I have mentioned that when seeing a doctor and the next thing I know, here comes the social worker with a stack of papers. I tell them that I'm doing fine. That I like how I'm living. I didn't ask for any unsolicited help. And they don't seem to listen at all. At some point they just leave me with a bunch of paperwork in a huff. I don't understand why they get so upset just because I don't want their help.

How would I find my phone if I didn't have a phone to find my phone with?

How would I find my phone if I didn't have a phone to find my phone with?

Suppose I lost my phone and I could use find my phone to find it. The problem is I don't have my phone in order to find my phone with. I don't have a computer I don't have a laptop All I have is a phone. How on earth would I use find my phone to find my phone?

If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics?

If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics?

Same rhetoric, policies, party, etc.

Would he even make it pass “grab em by the p****” in 2016?

Men: What sequence do you fellow to dry your body off after showering or bathing?

Men: What sequence do you fellow to dry your body off after showering or bathing?

(Religious) What would i be labeled?

(Religious) What would i be labeled?

I’m curious if there’s a name to the belief I have. I wouldn’t exactly call it atheist, though i generally lean that way, but I wouldn’t call it non-theist. The thing is, I just plain don’t care if God exists or not. They could, or they couldn’t, it really has no bearing on how I live my life. For that reason along I think I go in the atheist camp, but I always thought that was used to describe people who don’t think he exists.

Does the GOP Stick Together so tightly to hide the fact that a large majority of them are involved in Pedophilia?

Does the GOP Stick Together so tightly to hide the fact that a large majority of them are involved in Pedophilia?

Every day it seems like another GOP has been busted for CSAM or actual rape and abuse. I think these are just the ones who get caught and that there are hundreds more. It is a business and someone must have taken over for Epstein.

Did Biden ever release Trump's Resolute Letter?

Did Biden ever release Trump's Resolute Letter?

I've been searching around for a copy of the Resolute Letter that Trump left for Biden. The letters are typically released within a few days of entering office but this was never done because Biden wanted to talk to Trump first before doing so.

It's been almost four years. Surely it's been done by now and I can't seem to find any article with the letter or anything on the official White House website. I'm tempted to submit a FOIA request for it but wasn't sure where to start.

What interesting things can I do with my home WiFi network?

What interesting things can I do with my home WiFi network?

I recently learned about LocalSend and was intrigued by how it functioned by only using the WiFi network of the devices. I did not know my LAN had these capabilities.

Now that I've learned about it, I am excited to know if there is anything else I can do with it. Perhaps there could be a way to send prank notifications to all the connected devices, create a private chat room, or have custom LAN parties.

I genuinely do not know anything about how WiFi or LAN in general works in this matter. Is it possible for me to build my own applications that make use of these features? If so, I would love to get a direction on what resources or guides I should be looking for. If not, I would still be happy to use similar pre-built applications.