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Moneymunkie commented on why is the lgbt so fetishized sometimes?

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I've had a few ideas why they might act like that. Perhaps it comes from a place of shame? They get horny over it but due to how they've developed negative views on LGBT+ people they feel disgusted or ashamed with themselves and then feel compelled to then go on a crusade against "le gays" as a form of projection, to prove that they aren't "one of them". Mean think of all those times people who've been pretty outspoken in their anti-LGBT views only to later be caught having seen a bunch of guys on Grindr or been identified at a gay orgy or something, feels like a meme at this point.

Maybe its from paranoia that they'll be caught out and think if they're the ones that shout the loudest against them, then people won't think theres a chance they are LGBT+, which could have pretty devastating consequences for them where being found out could lead to social ostracism, or at least the perception thats what would happen.

Or perhaps its just pure opportunism and they don't really care about if its consistent or not. Hell they might not actually have any actual hatred towards them but do so because it will get them more votes in an election where a sizeable section of the electorate are quite bigoted or to get invited to give talks, write books, make a podcast, etc. Hate is a strong emotion and be exploited quite effectively in the right places if you're looking to make a profit.

Now I wouldn't say thats an exhaustive list of all the potential reasons why people might still go on to be bigoted to LGBT+ people despite their hornyiness towards them, cus theres probably about as many possible reasons for that as there are people out there, but theres a few theoretical ways I could see how it might happen.

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Moneymunkie commented on What are some of your favorite game mechanics?

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Its a little silly but I do enjoy those little things they add to a game that don't really add much in terms of gameplay, heck you're even able to play the game without making use of them, but are a nice way of sort of just "grounding" yourself in the world for a time, giving you some time to pause and reflect a little on whats been happening.

Stuff like pulling out a guitar with Into the Radius and trying to strum out a lil beat or stopping in at a diner in Shadows of Doubt and having a little coffee and watching the world go by while mulling over a case that you're on. I think that kind of stuff is pretty rad.

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Moneymunkie commented on So what made yall figure it out?

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Awwww thanks! Hope things come up Milhouse for you too :D

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Moneymunkie commented on So what made yall figure it out?

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Oh for sure, monogamy is perfectly valid too! I wouldn't be going around proclaiming poly is somehow superior since different ways of being fit differently for different people and thats ok!

Gosh I dunno I could go as far as surgery though, like at most getting maybe more of a feminine figure or a bit of booba as I'm a bit squeamish at the idea of surgery, but then again thats maybe just cus I just hesitate a lot and overthink things so maybe that will change haha

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Moneymunkie commented on So what made yall figure it out?

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Theres a part of me that just wants to put X down just so I can say that its because I'm extreme yeahhhhhhhh!

God though are you like my clone or something, cus I also found myself vibing with polyamory for similar reasons. Like I've definitely struggled with feeling for more than one person and how crushing it can be when you're worrying about being unfaithful or selfish when you're with somebody who doesn't feel similar. Just think it would be awesome if my partner or partners along with myself can feel safe and free to explore these feelings without worrying, I'd want them to feel happy and if another person would add to that for them then even better! Plus its less pressure on myself to meet their emotional needs since I can struggle with my own brain gremlins at times and I might not be able to fully help, even though I would really want to.

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Moneymunkie commented on So what made yall figure it out?

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Agreed, but also curse that darn site for starting to make me question things a lot (in a good way though hehe)

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Moneymunkie commented on So what made yall figure it out?

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Its funny that you mention that because I have joked in the past with folk asking what my sexuality was as just being "yes", else I'd probably have to give them a five page essay on it instead xD

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Moneymunkie commented on Does anyone else here struggle with dyscalculia?

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I deal with this and its a pain, like if I'm not using my fingers to keep track when doing simple maths or having a calculator to aide me, then it becomes a bigger slog than it ought to be ughhhhhh

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Moneymunkie commented on Did Beehaw crash about half an hour ago?

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I noticed it earlier too, I chalked it up to it dealing with a big spike of traffic or something but I don't know what was really the cause

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Moneymunkie commented on kids these days *shakes head*

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Woah lucky! You usually gotta know someone pretty high up to get a sweet gig like that!