Anyone else completely unable to upload images?

What the title says. I’m trying to upload an image but whenever I go to attach it, I just get SyntaxError: JSON Parse Error: Unrecognized token '<' twice. I’d demonstrate but uh that’s kind of my issue. I’ve tried from the site on mobile and on desktop and it’s the same issue. Community doesn’t seem to matter because I don’t even have to get that far to try.

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Seems like it might be due to file size. Anything more than a few hundred kilobytes fails to upload.

Yeah ok this was indeed the solution, compressed the image down to ~600KB and it uploaded fine.

Got same error, solved by reducing size. The error message would need some improvement, though...

Yeah it's a file size issue. I had the same problem trying to upload a gif.

Haven't tried uploading an image today, had same error as you, didn't work on jerboa, did work on mobile site.

Will try again later (when I have something to post)

Ah ok. I shall attempt some image compression and see if that works shortly.

Yeah, I was having that issue. Now that I read the comments here I realized that I was trying to upload a 3200x3200 image, which is pretty unnecessary for a picture of a pizza. Changed it to 1000x1000 and it went through with no problem.

This is the way. was saying a while ago that storage is gonna be a problem. Why not just link your image instead of uploading it? Format is ![](https://url-of-image-here)

Tell your instance admin to increase the maximum file size.