Hello World

Kick starting the Mazda community on lemmy! Introductions are welcome here. Also if anyone would like to Mod let me know

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Hello! Moving over here from the mazda3 subreddit.

I won’t have too much value to contribute here TBH, but let me know if anyone needs access to the 70.00.100 NA N firmware for Mazda heads-up units. I’ve received a steady stream of requests from people on the subreddit, and wanted to continue to support others wanting to upgrade their cars to support apple CarPlay/ native android auto (still can’t believe Mazda restricts access to this….)

PMs and comment reply notifications don’t appear to be a thing here (yet) so I apologize in advance if it takes me a while to see anyone’s request on this matter.


Hey mate sent you a PM.

Hey buddy! I'd be willing to mod the sub if you don't want to.

Sure, maybe you can bring this sub back to life :)