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Downvoted by six bootlicking nerds who like being hungry.

The ultimate point of capitalism is to receive money for nothing. Shrinkflation is just the natural next step until a final subscription service for a wait-list spot to receive when the next batch of product is released.

Yeah, innovation to rip you off in new and interesting ways

“We’re weaning you off of your addiction to our products”

I've seen the argument made in complete seriousness that it's better for portion control so that people don't overeat, particularly when it comes to fast food portions.

I'd believe it if they lowered the price as well.

Like corporations give a fuck about that. Overeating is more profitable for them, so that's what they'd prefer people do.

Then why is the price going up as well?

So with shrinkflation, what's the long term goal here? I mean, at some point you can't make the product any smaller right? Surely we won't be paying $75 for one microscopic piece of flour.... right...?

They introduce a bigger size later until they phase out the pitifully small one

At some point they reintroduce bigger sizes again while keeping the previous price. They can then go back to decreasing the size of the new big pack that is more expensive than the old big pack.

I refuse to buy from brewers using slim cans. Come at me beer nerds.

Capitalism breeds innovation to con you out of all your cash in more effective ways.