Collection of Actual Plays

Here's the place to upvote and discuss your favourite AP and find the next for your watchlist. I haven't watched all of them, so please comment & add what I left out.

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Sweden Rolls

a collection of swedish actors playing Forbidden Lands (in english!)? Yes please. this one is not on youtube & just the podcast. It's fun to listen to, but the website had some difficulty loading episodes.

The Wanderers' Guild

A more dark/roguish group of troublemakers, also following the Raven's Purge campaign. 17 Episodes and counting.

Third floor wars

one of the, if not "the", longest running AP of Raven's purge available on youtube. Craig is also doing GMs corners for Forbidden Lands regularly so this is a channel definitely worth checking out. Call it "editor's choice".

How 2 RPG

This channel is also a good source for GM advice.

Jowzam's Den (Bitter Reach)

A very international Cast and one of the very few takes on the Bitter Reach campaign. Unfortunately went into hybernation after just 4 episodes

Three skulls tavern

unfortunately discontinued after 8 episodes