Female surgeons sexually assaulted while operating

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Female surgeons sexually assaulted while operating


Trainees are being abused by senior male surgeons, a major analysis given to the BBC reveals.

Female surgeons sexually assaulted while operating
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Registered surgeons - men and women - were invited to take part completely anonymously and 1,434 responded. Half were women:

63% of women had been the target of sexual harassment from colleagues 30% of women had been sexually assaulted by a colleague 11% of women reported forced physical contact related to career opportunities At least 11 incidents of rape were reported 90% of women, and 81% of men, had witnessed some form of sexual misconduct

The 81% men stat, that’s emblematic that this isn’t being overstated. Sounds like a real shitshow. I’m not suggesting that men are more credible. Only that they’re less-likely to report the issue. If four out of five will admit that there’s a problem, holy shit. There’s a problem.

Wtf is going on in the UK, especially in the medical space?

Daddies are trying to discredit NHS in public eyes so they can defund it and privatize it.

That’s interesting context that I wonder about regarding accuracy. Definitely an interesting supposition that will stick with me.

Difference between a conspiracy theory and fact can be about 6 months, sometimes.

Definitely an interesting supposition that will stick with me.

I like this phrase. This is mine now. I'm going to go use it in conversations with people with the explicit purpose being to condescend.

Question: Why do they refer to the surgery area as a theatre? Is it for entertainment purposes?

Maybe I'm an idiot, but I thought 'theatre' was for entertainment and surgery room was for medical surgery...

I think that's because there were surgery rooms where students can watch operations from above

You're probably right. So indeed it's for entertainment. Gotcha.

I believe it was for education, not entertainment (though some procedures may have been entertaining, or at least interesting, to watch)

Surgery used to be, essentially, a speedrun. Sanitation and anaesthesia were near nonexistent so opening and closing as quickly as possible would markedly improve mortality rates. Appendix% was a popular watch.

Theatre has two meanings (it seems), one of them being "a room or hall for lectures with seats in tiers". The idea is that above the "centre stage" there would be seating for other doctors to watch the surgery for education/research purposes.

Okay. What good does that do actually?

Like seriously, if you can't see up close exactly where they're cutting and all, how much can you really learn about surgery? You ain't gonna see the fine details from a balcony...

Why even go to a college lecture if you can't see the fine text on the board? Seems like a huge waste of time, don't even need to hear the lecture because I can't see everything.

You ask a fine question. Like, why the fuck did they put me in the back of the class with like -4 nearsighted vision?

Bruh, if your job is to do super delicate surgery, how many people can actually learn what's really going on unless they're right there up close to see what's what?

Why even let the surgeon explain the procedure if I ain't gonna get to do the surgery on myself. I can't exactly see up close exactly where they're cutting and all with all the drugs they force into me so that I won't scream and die.

Interesting. Welp, bet the guys in the top balcony didn't get to see much detail...

Did the patient in the photo live at least?

Well,.chances are a solid "meh"

Yeah, in fact the Jr. Mint saved their life.

Ever heard of a "theater of war?"

No, could you be more Pacific in your reference? Explain it real simple, my level of comprehension has its Nimitz.

Yes. Romans considered that as entertainment.

From the title, I immediately assumed it was the patient being whacked on on anesthesia drugs. Didn't even consider the doctors or other nurses. Damn... Do I have that thing where I just naturally trust figures of authority? 🤔