Ran my first game of Worlds Without Number today!

Today was the first session of a new campaign for my party. This is my third long-form campaign, the prior two of which were both 5E games. It's a bit surreal as this is the first time in nearly ten years of playing TTRPGs on a roughly weekly basis that I am neither playing nor running a D&D edition!

The session went great and I think this system is going to be a real breath of fresh air for the party. Combat was moving slowly, as is to be expected when a whole group is learning a new system, when I pulled out a Swarm Attack and a Shatter Shield in quick succession. That quickly changed the whole dynamic of the fight from everyone bumbling through it to the party buckling down and really working together.

It's also a very liberating feeling running a sandbox style campaign. There is so much less pressure on me to have a grand narrative in mind. That combined with a focus on PC backstory-related quests will hopefully make this the best campaign yet!

Here's hoping we can get some traffic going in this community!