x Without Number


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Ran my first game of Worlds Without Number today!

Ran my first game of Worlds Without Number today!

Today was the first session of a new campaign for my party. This is my third long-form campaign, the prior two of which were both 5E games. It's a bit surreal as this is the first time in nearly ten years of playing TTRPGs on a roughly weekly basis that I am neither playing nor running a D&D edition!

The session went great and I think this system is going to be a real breath of fresh air for the party. Combat was moving slowly, as is to be expected when a whole group is learning a new system, when I pulled out a Swarm Attack and a Shatter Shield in quick succession. That quickly changed the whole dynamic of the fight from everyone bumbling through it to the party buckling down and really working together.

It's also a very liberating feeling running a sandbox style campaign. There is so much less pressure on me to have a grand narrative in mind. That combined with a focus on PC backstory-related quests will hopefully make this the best campaign yet!

Here's hoping we can get some traffic going in this community!

xWN Publications

xWN Publications

For those who are interested in learning more about xWN games or procuring a copy of your own, some helpful links are posted below!

Stars Without Number

Core Rulebooks

Campaign Supplements


Setting Supplements


Mandate Archives

Worlds Without Number

** Core Rulebooks**

Campaign Setting Guide

Cities Without Number

Note that CWN is currently still being drafted and playtested. By contributing to the Kickstarter, you can reserve a DRM-free copy of the full game delivered through DriveThruRPG and can gain access to Kevin Crawford's draft PDFs published to Google Drive as the game is developed.