Please, step into my office

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This is almost perfect really... It just needs a window AC unit hastily installed in a big hole in the side of one of the walls!

LOL! I want to see some live eletrical dragging on the road behind the truck

Watch out for hop ons

These folks are usually super assholes and wouldn't help you if you were dying on the street.

I dont think Jesus wants to touch that hot mess

Jesus, take the wheel... Gently. The whole truck must skate on two wheels when he turns.

Looks like something Jeremy Clarkson made on Top Gear or Grand Tour.

I believe the saying is that when God closes a door, He also opens a window. This must be where it came from!:-P

That's a rapemobile if I ever saw one.


Reminds me of this psychopath with a similar truck only it was covered in even more insane ramblings and pictures of aborted fetuses. They parked in a high traffic area just to fuck with people seemingly.