Help! Can't remember a title of an early CD-Rom game where you fought through the ages and into the future.

It was a really early CD-Rom game, probably 1993ish. You started off in the stone ages using sticks and rocks, fighting off bad guys and solving puzzles, and you'd move through time using the weapons of that era. I don't think I would classify it as an educational game because outside of the weapons and settings, I don't remember much of it having any information.

I'm pretty sure it was the first video game I ever beat.

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Sounds like Time Commando

Sounds like Time Commando

That description kinda reminds me of a TAS I saw of a Mega Drive/Genesis game, Gain Ground. Is that game anything like this one?

Was it first person screens or a side scroller? The puzzle part sounds like it might be Journeyman Project.