A bit dramatic for something that can be dismissed with "Ok", don't you think?

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What would the other option be though "No, I don't believe in errors" ?

If it were up to me, I'd say a catastrophic failure requires an "Oh Shit!" button.

Back in the early 2000's I had the windows error sound play Neo saying "Oh shit!" from the Matrix. After a while, it just got annoying though.

you gave tourette's to the poor computer

Guess we're in dire need of a "Well shit..." button.

It looks like a C++ error where you forgot a ; at the line end

It's because it's a windows product and users have accepted these errors.

My favorite one is "There is an issue"

catastrophic failure? meh, it is what it is

Click the X instead to not give the satisfaction

In simple words... Epic fail!

Nothing will ever beat "Guru Meditation" as vague and unhelpful problem description.

At this point, you just accepts your fate.