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What are your dream buffs for the Trinity "light rework"?

What are your dream buffs for the Trinity "light rework"?

If you've been avoiding Trinity, what would entice you to play her? Alternatively, are you a Trinity main with a wishlist of buffs for the lovely lobster?

Not enough of a Trinity player to dream up cool stuff, but for example here are some of mine.

  • Mild: base duration and maybe animation speed improvements
  • Wild: one of her augments generates Overguard for the squad. Some kind of buff for Champion's Blessing that makes it easier to stack, and makes the buff permanent until downed or something?
Weekly Warframe: Gyre

Weekly Warframe: Gyre

The electrifying ballerina, walking Tesla Coil, the other electricity themed frame - Gyre!

Release date: 2022-04-27

Passive: Gyre's abilities gain a flat 10% Critical Chance per active Electricity status proc affecting an individual enemy to deal 2.0x Critical Damage against that enemy.
Arcsphere - Launch a Gyratory Sphere that will deal high damage on impact and periodically deal electrical shocks to nearby enemies. Hit multiple enemies at once with the initial launch to enhance damage.
Coil Horizon - Throw forward a Gyratory Sphere that will implode after a few seconds or can be manually triggered.
Cathode Grace - Gain a brief burst of increased Critical Chance and Energy Regen, with each kill extending duration of Cathode Grace. Casting is on a cooldown.
Rotorswell - Gyre’s mechanisms spin at incredible speeds, generating an Electric Field that shocks nearby enemies. When Gyre gets a critical hit, a large electrical discharge will chain from the enemy that was hit to nearby enemies.

Acquisition: Component and main blueprints can be acquired from The Holdfasts' bounties on the Chrysalith.

Nightwave Vol. 6 ending, and Vol. 7 starting, on Tuesday, Sept. 3

Nightwave Vol. 6 ending, and Vol. 7 starting, on Tuesday, Sept. 3

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Nora's Mix Vol. 6 Ending + Vol. 7 Incoming!


Howdy Dreamers, Nightwave: Nora’s Mix Vol. 6 is coming to a close—ending on Tuesday, September 3rd at 1 p.m. ET. However, similar to Nora’s Mix Vol. 6, Nightwave: Nora’s Mix Vol. 7 will be released quickly after, on Tuesday, September 3rd, around 2:15 p.m. ET (whenever we Hotfix!) Like previous e...

A Second Look at Secondary Fortifier

A Second Look at Secondary Fortifier

This is quickly becoming my favourite secondary arcane. Giving up Secondary Encumber (and Surge in a few cases) was hard, but it's fairly easy to compensate nowadays.

So what's so great about Fortifier? It performs two roles: it gives overguard to frames that can't generate it but enjoy useful synergies with their native defenses, and it also rapidly strips overguard from affected enemies with a x8 damage to overguard multiplier, opening them to CC. CC might have died for a bit, but Fortifier has kind of brought it back.

I'll cover two points in this post: frame synergies, and my favourite Fortifier weapons. Let's start with the synergies.

Frame Synergies

Stealth frames benefit hugely from Fortifier for two reasons. The first is that they typically enjoy running Molt Efficiency, and the extra layer of overgating ensures Molt Efficiency is always running at max power. The second is that overguard broadly cancels almost all negative effects on the frame, including Conduit debuffs in disruption, Netracell debuffs, Archimedea debuffs, Eximus effects etc. One of my banes on Ivara was getting hit with Arson waves while I was on my dashwire and not able to react, or the punishing energy drain conduits working against Prowl. No longer, I am free! The same can be said for Loki for Disruptions and if choosing to run Irradiating Disarm or using Decoy.

Revenant benefits from Overguard for similar reasons, as some negative effects still apply to him even through Mesmer Skin.

Zephyr, my favourite frame of all time and the core of my Warframe addiction, became very clunky to play after Zariman and Overguard, but Fortifier, especially on a good rad weapon, means Turbulence can do its job and keep her very safe again.

Finally, and credit to the wiki for this, damage redirect frames, notably Yareli and Nezha, and to a lesser extent Nekros and Trinity, hugely extend the effective overguard provided by Fortify, up to 150k for Yareli, Nezha and Nekros, and 60k for Trinity.

Favourite weapons

Grimoire goes without saying. The pulsing AoE and chaining property means this rapidly strips overguard in a wide area. Tome mods provide great utility. Without Surge, I only use the Fortifier config on frames that can compensate the damage, like Zephyr and Yareli.

Akarius Prime is a nice hybrid pistol with a massive radius, easily spreads radiation and other statuses while shredding overguard.

Hystrix Prime remains my staple for Disruptions. Still primes well without Encumber due to the puncture and forced element mechanic.

Twin Graks are an incredible hybrid weapon. High single target damage so they shred easily, and absolutely enormous proc per second rate for priming.

Tenet Cycron with magnetic progenitor. Beam weapon so procs rapidly, and very high damage output. Can do mag/viral for priming. Magnetic rapidly shreds overguard. Mag beam so rapidly pops bubbles.

Lex Prime Incarnon. Has enough damage to spare that it can afford to use a utility arcane. Easily oneshots eximus, and the punchthrough and large projectile can deal with Ancient Healer overguard balls.

Tenet Plinx. Lex but radial instead of columnar.

Awaiting testing

Epitaph (waiting for Prime), has higher status and an even IPS spread, as well as two guaranteed elements before modding. Charge shot might be good enough for oneshotting Eximus overguard. Probably not enough damage on the radial tapshot for Archimedea AoE strip.

Synoid Gammacor Incarnon. If you're not running a Contagion Verglas robo buddy, has the nice utility of forced Cold procs. Does spicy AoE hits a la the Tenet Plinx. Un-carnon form has innate mag. The lovely space cubes restore your energy <3

Anyone wanna trade syndicate mods from opposing factions?

Anyone wanna trade syndicate mods from opposing factions?

I've been procrastinating obtaining these for years but now I'm thinking that I'm missing out. I was hoping someone needs any mods from syndicates I'm friendly with and would like to exchange some.

I am negative with New Loka / Perrin Sequence so I'm offering any syndicate mods (or other items) from the other 4 syndicates in exchange. I'm missing 13 mods from Loka, not sure if there are any unique ones in Perrin.

Can be available in afternoons, central EU timezone

Weekly Warframe: Caliban

Weekly Warframe: Caliban

The sentient-warframe chimera, the forgotten, weakest part of The New War - Caliban!

Release date: 2021-12-15

Passive: Adaptation, but worse. It applies to teammates as well but they are either shield gating or running the real thing.
Razor Gyre - Become a spinning vortex of death. Hold MB1 to accelerate the maelstrom, increasing damage or target an enemy by tapping MB1 to dash toward them. Hitting enemies inflicted with Sentient Wrath creates a destructive blast.
Sentient Wrath - Smash the ground sending out a radial wave of destruction. Those not killed by the initial blast are helplessly lifted into the air, where they take amplified damage for a short time.
Lethal Progeny - Call on Caliban's Sentient aspect to produce up three Conculyst comrades to fight by his side, and repair his shields.
Fusion Strike - Converge three streams of raw energy upon a single point, causing a massive reactive blast. The fallout from the blast will strip the armor and shields from all enemies that touch it.

Acquisition: Pure pain. Main blueprint is purchased from the Market. Component blueprints are acquired from Narmer Bounties after completion of The New War.

Operator Mode: A Few Questions for the Community

Operator Mode: A Few Questions for the Community

Hello everyone,

Just did a few missions on the Zariman and remembered a post from here or back on the old subreddit talking about some people still never using Operator mode. So I figured it'd be interesting to hear what people think about it and how much they've invested into it:

  • Do you use Operator/Drifter mode any more than absolutely necessary?
    • If so do you prefer the Drifter or Operator?
  • How much effort have you put into your Amp(s)?
    • Have you built several with significantly different behaviors? [Ex one a flamethrower, one a grenade launcher etc]
  • Do you use Operator &/or Amp Arcanes?
    • If so which ones?
    • If so have you raised them to maximum rank?
  • What Focus School do you main?
    • Is it the school you started with?
    • How far into it are you?
  • Have you used other schools?
    • If so have you unbound anything from them?
  • What would you say your primary method of getting Focus is?
    • Do you like that method?
  • Compared to your main Warframe how effective is Operator Mode for you?
    • Compared to an average Warframe how effective is Operator Mode for you?
  • Is there any stand out utility of the mode for you?
  • What would you say your general opinion of the mode is?
Yareli can tank a level 6300 Bombard rocket. (Plus some thoughts on survivability.)

Yareli can tank a level 6300 Bombard rocket. (Plus some thoughts on survivability.)

Calculations for my extreme turbo tank build:

  • Base health with Umbral Vitality R8: 763
  • Health with Arcane Blessing R5: 1963
  • Armour with 5x Tauforged Azure: 1230
  • Armour with 3 stacks of Health Conversion: 2580
  • Base EHP = 1963/(1-2580/2880) = 18844.8
  • EHP with Merulina = 188,448
  • EHP with Eclipse = 753792

Bombard rocket does 65 damage at base, which oneshots Yareli at around level 6300, or around 3100 with the +200% T4 Void damage multiplier.

Yareli is truly a "Metal Slug". We're so close, sea slug fans!

On a more serious note, if you don't want to invest so heavily in stacking armour, Eclipse shield tanking is a good alternative: Primed Redirection gives her 62,160 effective shields, more than enough for anything EDA can throw at you aside from the Mech Mines.

That all said, I think Pillage or Condemn + Primed Redirect is the most ideal way to tank nowadays, as the 2.5s shield gate from shield healing works nicely with the chunky Merulina shields for a good mix of active and passive defenses.

The full-cold Frost build with Glaxion is pretty good?

The full-cold Frost build with Glaxion is pretty good?

I just took anything synergizing with cold damage and put it on Frost and it works pretty well!


  • Biting Frost augment
  • Arcane Ice Storm
  • Freeze Force augment
  • Icy Avalanche ofc

Tenet Glaxion

  • Shivering Contagion
  • Primary Frostbite arcane
  • Photon Overcharge (still missing this one but soon I'm adding it too)

Glaxion melts everything in front of you, spreads cold like crazy which also adds ability strength and duration due to arcane ice storm, you have huge crit chance and dmg, you have excellent armor strip and can easily generate overguard.

Since no merciless on glaxion you have to run serration but if I had max rank arachne I'd maybe try that instead of arcane grace once I have photon overcharge from NW. Am I missing anything else thats fun and that could be added to the mix?

Not sure if I should go with vile acceleration on glaxion or maybe add something like hunter munitions or bladed rounds instead.

In any case, it takes a bit to set up the whole build but it feels very thematic and flexible, Frost really becomes even more of a powerhouse with it, I only ever used him for his bubble until now.

edit: I'm also thinking about what to subsume over his #2 since it seems kinda useless, it is low damage and you have plenty of cold procs even without it. Nourish might be the boring but safe option?

Blast Xata has a weird interaction, and Xata Ivara makes it weirder...

Blast Xata has a weird interaction, and Xata Ivara makes it weirder...

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