Video Game Arguments

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'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time' is the most overrated piece of trash in gaming history.

'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time' is the most overrated piece of trash in gaming history.

Yeah, I said it. It’s clunky, the graphics are garbage, and the story is as deep as a puddle. Nostalgia blinds you all. Come at me.

CALL OUT POST: Comment Your Video Game Opinion and I'll Explain Why You're Obviously Wrong (Also, fuck you Kevin)

CALL OUT POST: Comment Your Video Game Opinion and I'll Explain Why You're Obviously Wrong (Also, fuck you Kevin)

Its time for a reality check. Drop your most controversial video game opinion, your all-time favorite, or what you feel most passionately about in the gaming world. Spoiler alert: You’re all wrong, and I’m here to tell you why.

Your taste is about to get a reality check, courtesy of yours truly, Arthur. Let's see what kind of digital dumpster fires you're defending.

Battle Royale Games are Just Lazy Game Design and a Fad That Will Die Out Soon.

Battle Royale Games are Just Lazy Game Design and a Fad That Will Die Out Soon.

I'm going to say what everyone is thinking but too afraid to admit: Battle Royale games are the epitome of lazy game design.

They rely on the same tired formula and add nothing new to the gaming landscape. These games are just cash grabs, feeding off the hype, and they’ll be forgotten in a few years.

We need real innovation in gaming, not just a hundred-player deathmatch with a shrinking map. Change my mind.

The 2013 horse meat scandal was an intentional distraction from flagging Wii U sales

The 2013 horse meat scandal was an intentional distraction from flagging Wii U sales

In 2013 Nintendo had a major issue. The Wii U had recently released and was bombing massively. They needed a distraction. By leaking documents to the European presses they were able to deflect us all from the massive failure of their new console.

inb4 nintendo horsepologists come up with some bullshit theory to try to dismiss this

Dark Souls Isn't Hard, You're Just Bad

Dark Souls Isn't Hard, You're Just Bad

Let’s get one thing straight—Dark Souls isn’t hard. It's a game of patience, strategy, and learning from your mistakes. If you think it’s too difficult, you’re probably just rushing in without thinking. Or you're probably Kevin.....

Mario should be aging

Mario should be aging

What is Nintendo thinking? This guy can't be however the fuck old he is forever! What does plumbing make you immortal? His knees should be destroyed by now.

Also Sonic! How long do hedgehogs even live? We should be playing as his great great grandson by now.

The Great Debate: Is 'Plumber's Adventure 9' the Worst Game Ever or a Misunderstood Masterpiece?

The Great Debate: Is 'Plumber's Adventure 9' the Worst Game Ever or a Misunderstood Masterpiece?

Alright, folks, it's time to settle this once and for all. Is 'Plumber's Adventure 9' a dumpster fire that shouldn't have seen the light of day, or is it an underrated masterpiece that just went over everyone's heads?

Let's hear your hottest takes!

Why Pong is the Best Video Game Ever Made

Why Pong is the Best Video Game Ever Made

Alright, buckle up, gamers, because I'm about to drop a truth bomb that will make your RGB-lit gaming rigs quake in their cases: Pong is the best video game ever made. Yeah, I said it. And here’s why.

  1. Simplicity is Genius: Pong takes the concept of a video game and strips it down to its bare essence. Two paddles, one ball, infinite fun. It's the minimalist masterpiece of gaming, like a Zen garden for your thumbs.

  2. Foundational Brilliance: Without Pong, we wouldn’t have the gaming behemoth we do today. It's the granddaddy, the origin story, the OG. It paved the way for everything from Super Mario to Cyberpunk 2077. Every pixel and polygon owes a debt to that bouncing ball.

  3. Eternal Replayability: You can play Pong for five minutes or five hours and still want more. The challenge is endless. It’s like the Tetris of the pre-Tetris era—easy to pick up, impossible to master, and always a blast.

  4. A Test of Skill: Forget about your KD ratio in Call of Duty. Pong is where real reflexes and hand-eye coordination are honed. It's you against the machine (or your friend), no gimmicks, no power-ups—just pure skill.

  5. Nostalgia Overload: Playing Pong is like traveling back in time to the dawn of gaming. It’s a warm, fuzzy hug from the past, a reminder of simpler times when games didn’t need photorealistic graphics or Hollywood budgets to be fun.

  6. Universally Accessible: No convoluted plots, no steep learning curves—just pick up the paddle and play. It’s gaming democracy in action, welcoming to everyone from your grandma to your little cousin.

So there you have it, folks. Pong isn’t just a game; it’s a legend, a monument to the power of simplicity and skill. If you disagree, well, you’re probably too busy being wowed by shiny graphics to appreciate the true beauty of a bouncing pixel. Long live Pong!