/c/Vent: Vent about your life here


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Welcome to Vent everyone, Here is our rules

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Lincoln Project - you're doing it wrong!

Lincoln Project - you're doing it wrong!

When you post shit like this, you're damaging your own credibility, not his. You have $$$ and a staff! Do better!


Hey Facebook Marketplace!

Hey Facebook Marketplace!

Not all of your weird old shit is mid century modern. We all know you wrote that to get a click! Shut up!

This is my first time here. Is that how I'm supposed to vent?

Newborns fucking suck

I've got a 3 week-old newborn. During the day there are plenty of adorable moments and easy times. But it's the middle of the fucking night, he strategically waited until I was switching diapers to piss on me and all over, then was flailing his arms and pushing the bottle out of his mouth even though he was very hungry, then shit his GODDAMN BRAINS OUT while eating, then after I burped him and cleaned him up and got him in new clothes and swaddled and put him down, he fucking screamed until I picked him up again.

Like, I've given him everything his tiny little brain and body could need. That coupled with the strategic shitting and pissing to require the absolute maximum amount of work from me.

The vent here, I guess, is that I fucking hate this. I loved my life with my wife and now we have next to zero intimacy(not sex, obviously, but even our normal physical touch). We have zero time for each other, one is tending the baby, while the other is desperately trying to keep up with cleaning bottles and keeping the house passably clean and there is no time for anything.

I would never let any of what I just said affect how I interact with the baby, but I'm fucking sick of having literally zero independence and I miss my wife (her being in the same bed and next to me most of the day makes it worse somehow).


Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Check out The Oatmeal, they've got a comic about having kids that's painfully applicable.

Lemmy can feel unwelcoming at times

Lemmy can feel unwelcoming at times

People say lemmy isnt as toxic as reddit and while i feel thats partially true i also feel its partially not

if you have the best of intentions but the group or user circles dont think so then you are turned away

I recently shared a video in a post that in my opinion contains feedback that could be beneficial to open source, met with mostly hostility on that post when i only wanted to share that video to help open source

and then there is the toxicity of some groups on lemmy, im left wing because i think everyone should be equal and the world should be free from bigotry and intolerance but some of the left wing comments on lemmy read as toxic and i feel like I'm a person who wants better in the world but I'm excluded from other left wing people because of the toxicity

it makes me feel i have the be careful on lemmy with what i say and cant give good intentioned feedback or criticism to other users because it'll just be met with hostility if the group / user circle/s doesn't like it or be misinterpreted as an attack

all of that can feel very unwelcoming me at times

sorry if this doesn't come across as clear, its just that i suck at writing "high quality posts / comments" and i wanted to get emotion to text and vent

The bear vs man trend is digging up some tiresome and stressful thoughts

The bear vs man trend is digging up some tiresome and stressful thoughts

Firstly: I'm reasonably sure these women are just kvetching. I often say 'I'd rather drink piss' to express that I don't like something. Obviously I'm not actually going to drink piss.

Secondly...I do agree it's a bit much to compare men to a deadly 1200 pound predator. I would be a bit fed up of hearing that too if I were a guy.

Thirdly...that said...I understand WHY women say that even if it's a bit ridiculous. I've had a male friend completely turn on a dime and send me rape threats while drunk. I pleaded and tried to reason with him for about 20 minutes before I completely snapped and threatened to do things to him with a hunting knife that I won't detail because there's no need to make people vomit. Only then did he back off and switch to making excuses and blaming his autism. It was terrifying because there was no reasoning with him. He LIKED that I was frightened and freaked out. It gave him a pleasurable power rush. The only reason he backed off was the threat of said hunting knife.

A bear isn't malicious. A bear just wants to eat. A bear can be redirected or avoided. You can do things such as wear a bell or carry mace or put up an electric fence around a tent. A man isn't necessarily malicious but IF he is...those precautions won't do jack poopsies because he consciously knows the woman doesn't want it and LIKES the act of stomping on boundaries.

Bill Cosby: a latent memory resurfaced in my mind

Bill Cosby: a latent memory resurfaced in my mind

Yes it's currently 2024 but some memories resurface in my head sometimes and I finally want to write them down.

A quick refresher for you regarding the Bill Cosby scandal:

In the 1970s & 1980s he had a secret hobby of drugging & raping unwitting women, and it wasn't widely known about /prosecuted until 40-ish years later.

Now, before his scandal was discovered, you might recall he had a successful, much-loved, long-running sitcom on TV, the Cosby Show, in which he appointed his own character's profession as gynecologist, Doctor Huxtable.

In hindsight now, we can surmise that if Bill Cosby hadn't been an actor, his dream job would've been probing women's vaginas all day for a living.

(That's my first resurfaced latent memory, that his character Dr Huxtable was a gynecologist in that show, meanwhile IRL in his free time he was drugging & raping women)

Furthermore, several of his Cosby Show episodes showed that Dr Huxtable had a gynecology office IN HIS HOUSE, IN HIS BASEMENT where he would invite his gynecology patients into his house 😱

(That's my second resurfaced latent memory on this topic.)

Ladies, how inappropriate would it feel to have a gynecologist appointment AT YOUR GYNECOLOGIST'S HOUSE, and IN HIS BASEMENT??

And your gynecologist is BILL COSBY who drugs & rapes women⁉️

OML I just can't even.

Do you hear me? Literally during the years he was IRL drugging & raping unwitting women, he assigned himself a Hollywood role as a GYNECOLOGIST who had a gynecology office IN HIS HOUSE BASEMENT.


One more detail while we're on this topic, In my own life in 1989 I was a 14-year old little girl, and in 1989 The Cosby Show was at the height of its popularity and everything seemed to be going fine in the Cosby Show realm.

Meanwhile, in Long Beach California I was scheduled for a surgical procedure and I opted for general anesthesia because the idea of being awake during my surgery was not appealing to me,

so as I was going under, my anesthesiologist was checking in with me to determine the moment I went unconscious, you know how they engage you in conversation so they can ascertain your level of consciousness. Well the last thing my anesthesiologist asked me before I went under was

"Do you like Bill Cosby?"

I had enough time to process the question while I was laying there about to be gassed, but not enough time to respond before I literally went under.

The way I mentally processed it before I had time to respond was, "well that's a random question but sure, Bill Cosby is a great guy, great show, upstanding citizen, on his TV show he portrays a good wholesome father and a professional doctor, Bill Cosby is also a stand-up comedian and he's written a couple books and my dad even has one of his books on his bookshelf, a birthday gift from one of his brothers, what's not to love? sure yeah I like Bill Cosby."

But that question that came out of left field from my anesthesiologist as I'm vulnerably trustingly laying on the table about to go unconscious, " Do you like Bill Cosby?" 

in retrospect has not only endured as a rather creepy vivid memory to me, but also leads me to speculate that my anesthesiologist may have been somehow aware of what Bill Cosby was up to in his free time even in the current year 1989,

and you know anesthesiologists have access to drugs that make people unconscious. and how vulnerable patients are when unconscious and completely in the care and at the mercy of their doctors.

It's all just very creepy to me in retrospect.

No, I'm not speculating that I was abused at any point during that process, there were many doctors there and I was in good care

but just the things I mentioned earlier are creepy enough.

Some parents *really* suck

Some parents *really* suck

TW: Homophobia, abuse

I work at a children's foster care organization that specializes in caring for kids who have experienced significant trauma. I'm somewhat acclimated to terrible parents.

As I walked by the front desk late this morning, the receptionist disgustedly thrust the phone towards me. On the other end was a woman asking if we are an orphanage, and if we can take her son. (This is not an unheard-of situation... Most of the time it's a stressed out parent using us as a threat to put their kid back on the straight and narrow.)

I answered as I usually do, giving her the referral hotline for social services. She immediately went ballistic, screaming and jostling the phone so that I could only hear every third word. But it was clear that the reason she was so upset is that she just found out her son is gay. She kept using the f****t word.

I had the receptionist, a resident, and a social worker all standing around watching, so I couldn't say what I wanted to. I was also in a bit of an adrenaline shock and nearly froze, but I gave the only answer I could muster... "Since you've chosen to use abusive language, I'm going to disconnect the call."

My vent is this: it's so easy to not be an abusive asshole. I hate living in a world where this person's vote counts the same as mine. I hate living in a world where people can be this hateful and aren't completely shunned from society.

My secondary vent is this: I wish I had a brain that didn't short circuit under stress, and that I would have thought to "play along" so that I could gather this woman's contact info and at least tried to help that poor boy.

Thank you for letting me vent. I don't feel better, but at least I feel like I've shared.

Got a surprise tax bill of 15k €

Got a surprise tax bill of 15k €

Apparently it's perfectly possible to owe the IRS tens of thousands, and then just make up debt and point to a random person telling the IRS to go after them... ...and they will simply draft up a letter, demanding you to pay this outstanding, ficticious debt within two weeks.

What. The. Fuck.

I know the person who claims that I owe them 15k. It's my weed dealer. I also know he has legal and financial issues, so I assume he somehow told his creditors that I owed him a lot of money, and there is no law requiring verification.

So... Either I pay 15k € I don't actually owe, or I get a lawyer to dispute it, which will also be several thousands, none of which I am responsible for.

I'm not currently in debt but I also don't have any savings.

I dunno man, it seems like in this world it's just not possible to go a single year without being accused/hounded/... no one gives a fuck and everyone just wants "theirs". Which would be fine if people would leave me alone and not try to get their grubby mitts on what little I do have.


You have to wait until the intersection clears before taking off at a four way stop!

You have to wait until the intersection clears before taking off at a four way stop!

F***ing morons in the world! Everyone is so damn impatient that now when I am at at four way stop and turning and my ass end is still in the intersection the other car going straight already decides to take off instead of waiting a micro-second for the intersection to be clear. All sorts of scenarios can happen...a pedestrian could appear causing me to brake and then you would crash into the rear of my car. Stop being a moron and think! What the hell are you gonna' do when you get home a nano-second earlier?