The fifth world.

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Beware of debuggers

Beware of debuggers

Debuggers hide among us and are hard to recognize. If Comitee deems your existence as unoptimal, they will send them to kill your process. Stay saf

This simulation sucks

This simulation sucks

Help, I've somehow landed in a simulation of this weird place I can't leave. My CMD Window is broken. There's weird people in socks here screaming about all sorts of crazy shit. Like how the celestial FBI is looking for them so they need to hide behind their face so they will not be found And extradited.

Then there's weird people acting like they own this place. Like they own us. They want me to swallow these weird round things. When I don't take them they force me to.

I can't leave this simulation. Someone help pls. Can someone connect to my system and reactivate my CMD Window?

I've learned to never set your vagina-world-simulator to random from this. Pls help

Does anyone else feel the madness creeping in?

Does anyone else feel the madness creeping in?

The thoughts have stopped connecting. The feelings on their own. The world keeps revolving. With nothing truely known. (not sure how formatting works, this is supposed to be a 4 line poem)

I lost my patience

I was strolling across the eternal void whistling and dancing but some how dropped and lost my patience forever. Can anybody help me find it or contact me if they see it?

Help, my dog doesn't work anymore

Help, my dog doesn't work anymore

I'm scared it's a problem with the CPU. Can someone help?

Babe, did you fall from Heaven?

Babe, did you fall from Heaven?

Because I just heard you speaking in this deep, menacing growl, and then I turned and saw the red skin and horns and the pitchfork, so naturally I started wondering.

This was a great dress rehearsal, good job everyone!

This was a great dress rehearsal, good job everyone!

I think at this point we only need to practice two or three more times, and then we'll be ready to start the Universe for real. Now, once more, from the Big Bang!

I blinded the Beholder, how do I perceive beauty now?

I blinded the Beholder, how do I perceive beauty now?

Once, there was a penumbra named MZRATO.

Once, there was a penumbra named MZRATO.

He died, and from his corpse, the metaverse was born.

But the threads of fate tied up neatly, and one powerful being attempted to resurrect MZRATO. She thought she failed, having been vanquished, but somehow, the threads of fate resonated with her plan.

MZRATO began to wake up. To walk. All the Eyes left for greener pastures. The threads of fate Ended. MZRATO was re-animated, as the filth in his veins emptied out. The maggots left of their own free will.

As MZRATO returned to that sanitized, sterile, unchanging perfection, the gunk of his veins gathered on a new host, and slit its throat.

And a new world was born.