The fifth world.

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What is the nature of the Void?

What is the nature of the Void?

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Heilung Norupo [Official Music Video]

Heilung is Amplified History from early medieval northern Europe and should not be mistaken for a modern political or religious statement of any kind. Rememb...

The Eye doesn't look at me

The Eye doesn't look at me

The Great Eye that Fills the Sky, Unblinking, Visible from all of Time and Space, (you know the one) hasn't even glanced my direction in the last couple of eons. It used to look directly at me at least once a foremoon, but slowly I've drawn the attention of The Eye less and less. I don't know, it always unnerved me to be Seen, but at this point I feel like It's avoiding me intentionally? Like, wouldn't Its Gaze have to pass over me occasionally, even if It isn't Looking at me directly? I feel jaded at this point.

I'm not sure, is this a me problem or is The Eye at fault here? Does anyone know how to reconcile with The Eye? Does it have a P.O. box or something?

Hiiiii mortals *bwows da twumpets of da end times* ꙮwꙮ *notices ur sins* What's dis?

Hiiiii mortals *bwows da twumpets of da end times* ꙮwꙮ *notices ur sins* What's dis?

As a man, it's really annoying how I have to try to walk on three legs every evening.

As a man, it's really annoying how I have to try to walk on three legs every evening.

Like, okay, I can handle some changes. It'd be nice to have a consistent number of legs, but switching from four in the morning to two in the afternoon -- it's not the worst thing ever. But having to walk on three legs in the evening -- that's just ridiculous. What kind of organism walks on an odd number of legs? It's so inconvenient, I can never keep my balance. I swear, whatever mf came up with this system must have had some serious complexes...

My TV turned into a portal for Entities

My TV turned into a portal for Entities

I swear, LGs are the worst with this. The Skincrawler Planed has stumbled upon a galactic entry point in my TV, and used it.

LG recommends a software update, any thoughts?

Reminder: tomorrow is the day when the courage of men fails.

Reminder: tomorrow is the day when the courage of men fails.

Our friends will be forsaken and all bonds of fellowship will be broken. Please refrain from attempting any activities that require courage or bonds of friendship until a later date.

To be or not to be

To be or not to be

I forgot that I was being the other day and now I can't automatically be anymore, it's all manual. How can I be without knowing I was?

Time flies.

How the hell am I supposed to get rid of them? Every time I swat them, I just make another time vortex to clean up.

What is taking the dolphins so long?

What is taking the dolphins so long?

I gave them 20 million years, and they still haven't made a telescope.