Solo Roleplaying

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Dungeon World with Mythic: Scene 2 Play Session

Dungeon World with Mythic: Scene 2 Play Session

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Solo Roleplaying with Mythic: Dungeon World

Solo Roleplaying with Mythic: Dungeon World

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Mythic GME has opened my eyes...

Mythic GME has opened my eyes...

After never having considered the idea of solo roleplaying before I stumbled across Mythic GME and it has become my new hyper fixation. Not only is it a blast to play solo, but I can't wait to use it to help me run my home game. My wife and I also spent several hours the other evening playing a Traveller session using Mythic as our guide. What a blast! :D

Do you roleplay differently in private?

Do you roleplay differently in private?

I was just working on my current Ironsworn story at work, and I suddenly wondered about whether I considered it to be personal or private, or how I would feel if someone started watching over my shoulder. It made me think if I would roleplay differently if I knew someone else was watching or would read the story later.

How do you feel about your solo roleplays? Are they private, deeply personal stories or would you be happy showing them to other people?

Go Analogue Or Go Home

Go Analogue Or Go Home

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张殿李 (

The topic of solo RP comes up quite often in my Mastodon feed, and when it does it's always in the context of "which (digital) tools do you use to facilitate your solo play?" I hate computers. I hate them with the kind of passion people usually reserve for war criminals. (Of course the fact I consider most software to be a literal crime against humanity helps stoke that fury.) I like to keep computers *out* of my entertainment. Thus it is that my solo RP set is almost purely analogue. When I solo RP this is my kit. A bamboo box. Within it the dice I need for the game being played, a (fountain) pen, a(n eternal) pencil and eraser. A fancy-schmancy notebook (that is Frankensteined together from various pieces), some little illustrations that I use for inspiration (taped/glued into the notebook when they're used), and a selection of fancy bookmarks. I journal in a style I've used since middle school that some software kiddie reinvented and gave the name "Bullet Journal" to because that crowd has no sense of history. (Kind of like the "story game" crowd, in that regard.) And currently, in this C&S game I'm soloing (as you can see from the printed Solitude rules set), the only digital element is that the rules for the game are in my phone because I can't afford to buy the rules and have them shipped to China. This changes this summer, however, as I have guests coming from Canada and I've asked them to pick up the rules. And that box is likely just the right size to hold those as well! Then my solo RP will be analogue only! #SoloRoleplaying #SoloRP #AnalogueOnly

张殿李 (
Which oracles deserve to be more reckoned?

Which oracles deserve to be more reckoned?

I am currently researching some oracles for new game. I know the Muses & Oracles but it's a French one. And I can't find the equivalent in English.

So on a larger question: Which Oracle would you recommend?

I challenged myself to make a trifold RPG yesterday, would it be worth expanding on?

I challenged myself to make a trifold RPG yesterday, would it be worth expanding on?

Star Valor
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Star Valor on Steam

Choose your own destiny as you explore an open-world procedurally generated galaxy where anything is possible. Become a miner, a trader, a bounty hunter, a pirate, or perhaps a jack of all trades. Start off small and build your way to the top but remember with every action, comes consequences.

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