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The less racist a country is, the harder it is to detect enemy spies. #showerthoughts

The less racist a country is, the harder it is to detect enemy spies. #showerthoughts

The less racist a country is, the harder it is to detect enemy spies. #showerthoughts

They say doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity. Well what is doing the same thing over and over again and GETTING different results?

They say doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity. Well what is doing the same thing over and over again and GETTING different results?

Tennis uses the imperial system of scoring

Tennis uses the imperial system of scoring

Tennis uses multiples of 15, but only up to 45, calls other points weird names, then closes a set, which has to be repeated at least 6 times for a separate scoring, with said scoring also needing to be repeated AT LEAST 3 more times, but can be dragged out ad infinitum.

Even table tennis has the decency of using a straight scoring system where 11 points wins a set and 2 sets wins the match.

There would be less crime with a dominant religion that sacrificed prisoners to a death god.

There would be less crime with a dominant religion that sacrificed prisoners to a death god.

Solved crime.

Tourism/aliens visiting us would be equivalent to escapism/isekai

Tourism/aliens visiting us would be equivalent to escapism/isekai

also, do aliens exist?

  • probably when considering statistics
    • would we ever see aliens?
      • probably not when considering statistics
Murder doesn't cause death

Murder doesn't cause death

Killing someone doesn't change whether or not they die, only when.

The only thing that determines whether or not someone will die is whether or not they were born. Therefore, the only cause of death is birth.

The only case in which murder changes the amount of people who will die is if a person who would've otherwise had children is killed. By preventing birth it prevents death. In other words, murder can only decrease the amount of people who will die or keep it the same, but never increase it.

NPR stations are the original federated model.

NPR stations are the original federated model.

Different stations produce different shows and share them among each other. That’s federation, baby.

the smarter you are, the dumber everyone else is

the smarter you are, the dumber everyone else is

true science

I'm curious how many collectors-item level baseball cards were wrapped around bicycle forks with clothes-pegs in childhood to make a flappity-flap motor sound in the spokes.

I'm curious how many collectors-item level baseball cards were wrapped around bicycle forks with clothes-pegs in childhood to make a flappity-flap motor sound in the spokes.