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Why do people comment "Who else is listening in 2023?" on youtube... and why do people upvote that?

Why do people comment "Who else is listening in 2023?" on youtube... and why do people upvote that?

do you apply Isopropyl alcohol to clean a notebook's surface and keys?

do you apply Isopropyl alcohol to clean a notebook's surface and keys?

after reading and other sources I used a 75% isopropyl alcohol solution to clean my black and grey plastic notebook's keys and surface.

I applied the alcohol to cotton pads. Each cotton pad I used came back black, completely black. This is the first time I use isopropyl alcohol to clean this notebook I bought it 8 years ago.

To clean the surface I sometimes pressed the pad with my nails, because I first thought the black residue on the cotton pads was simply dirt and oils accumulated during 8 years. Now, on second thoughts, it could be the isopropyl alcohol solved the upper layer of plastic and now the clearer lines I see where I pressed with my nails are how the notebook looked 8 years ago. Lines look like an anarchic groove, but don't feel different to the finger.

On other parts I can also see the circular motions I applied to clean those parts. Do I have to apply more alcohol or have I already damaged the plastic?

OTOH I cannot believe wikihow and other sources like would include information that hurts the computer.

Am I doing this right?

Does Multipoint functionality in headphones allow you to listen to two different devices at the same time?

Does Multipoint functionality in headphones allow you to listen to two different devices at the same time?

I have been using an audio mixer at my desk for a while now so I can do things like listen to music while I play video games but I am wondering if Multipoint could replace my audio mixer and simplify my setup. Would it allow me to listen to two different devices at the same time?

I have been reading about Multitpoint on websites selling compatible headphones (Jabra and Google) and it doesn't sound like this is the case. It sounds like it's simply a faster means of switching back and forth between devices. What makes me second guess this though are posts I have seen in forums suggesting Multipoint is the solution I am looking for.

If not could some wireless DAC be the solution?

Can this drive work with raspberry Pi -- links to how-tos appreciated

Can this drive work with raspberry Pi -- links to how-tos appreciated

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HGST Ultrastar He12 HUH721212ALE601 0F29596 12TB 7.2K RPM Power Disable SATA 6Gb/s 3.5" HDD
I have accepted a job starting late this year, but may be about to receive another offer much sooner. I definitely want to do the later one, how bad would it be to accept the first then leave?

I have accepted a job starting late this year, but may be about to receive another offer much sooner. I definitely want to do the later one, how bad would it be to accept the first then leave?

I have already been offered and officially accepted a gig which represents a continuation of a move towards work in a new sub-field for me that I really want to move in to, but it's just a short term contract like the many I've been doing over the years and afterwards I'll have to return to scrounging for the next gig after that with no guarantee of further success in that area (except hopefully doing well and getting more offers but nothing concrete). This gig won't start for a long time so I need to start filling the intervening time.

I recently interviewed for another gig, which would be full time indefinitely, no more scrounging. It's a pretty great opportunity too, lots to like, but would likely represent an entrenching of my existing career path thus far rather than the move to the new one I've been embracing. Had this opportunity come up maybe a year ago I'd have grabbed it with both hands as I hadn't considered this other path but now I've begun on that new path I want to see where it can go. I think I did well in the interview and have a feeling I may be offered this full time job (not counting my chickens yet but it looks promising). That would be tricky though, the short duration, later-in-the-year gig will stretch just over 2 calendar months and I can't imagine getting that much time off from a brand new full time job in order to do the other one.

It's a small town with a small industry, and it's a damn shame the timing couldn't have been reversed. If I were to accept the full time gig until shortly before the 2nd gig later this year and then leave to go do this short term but arguably more interesting contract job, is it likely to go over so badly that I'd get a bad rep locally for this? I could cancel the short term job but deep down I'm pretty sure it's the work I'd like to start doing going forward. I could decline an offer for the full time gig if presented with it, but I have nothing else going and should really take on some work. It's unfortunate that I likely wouldn't be able to just walk back in to the first gig any time soon if I left and I'd probably appear pretty unreliable to them anyway having done so.

What's up with the slash s in many people's comments lately ?

What's up with the slash s in many people's comments lately ?

A new hype ? Or are these sed (streaming editor) users in disguise ?

Will a free standing bicycle ridden on a treadmill fall over?

Will a free standing bicycle ridden on a treadmill fall over?

Stationary bicycles need support to stop from falling over because they lack gyroscopic stabilization. Right?

If you ride a free bicycle on a treadmill (so both wheels are spinning) will it fall over or stay upright?

If you fall over on a treadmill, does it matter if this treadmill bicycle combo is on a train?

What is the Lemmy instance that's focused on educational videos?

What is the Lemmy instance that's focused on educational videos?

I might also be thinking of a PeerTube instance. Focused on education. Does anyone remember the name? Thanks.