No Stupid Questions

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Why do so many posts have "rule" in the title?

Why do so many posts have "rule" in the title?

Flicking through the front page and around half of all posts have the world "rule" in the title. What's that about?

Who is liable in court for this hypothetical double breach of contact?

Who is liable in court for this hypothetical double breach of contact?

Just something I'm curious about as I can totally imagine it happening in the real world.

Let's say that Healthcorp is a medical services provider of some kind, and as such are required to keep certain records for a certain amount of time. They sign a contract with Archivetopia to keep safe all the records that they absolutely have to hold onto. However, the guy that used to work at GitLab got hired for Archivetopia, and he accidentally deletes a ton of entries from their database, which included Healcorp's records, and there is no way to recover any of it. Then, Healthcorp gets subpoena'd, so they call up Archivetopia only to find out they can't produce the records they need.

Who is liable in this case?

Are "computer screen cleaner" products just rebranded isopropyl alcohol?

Are "computer screen cleaner" products just rebranded isopropyl alcohol?

Making an informed purchase is important.

When looking for these products, they never specify what their contents are. Yet, I am a very heavy suspicion they are just isopropyl alcohol.

Why does Credit Karma stop recognizing my account occasionally?

Why does Credit Karma stop recognizing my account occasionally?

It sends me a verification code to log me in and says that it knows my email address but not my device, which is the same device that I have been using.

Is working out supposed to feel like this?

Is working out supposed to feel like this?

I started doing cardio for a couple of months, 3 times a week (25 minutes a piece), it was annoying and i really didnt like but sure whatever i pushed through the boredom.

The REAL shit started when i actually worked out (we have workout machines in a nearby park), for almost 3 months im doing 20 minutes workout a day (5 times a week) and every. single. time. it feels like its getting more difficult to do than before.

I always heard stuff like "it gets better over time" or "your body just needs to get used to it"

but i dont feel anything like this, when im done i feel miserable thinking that i gotta do it again the next day, every single minute of workout i do feels so much longer than its actually is.

Im not silly(hopefully), i know how to workout probably, i made sure to look it up beforehand so as to not break my bones or something and the machines clearly describe with a manual printed ON them how to use them.

Is this it? is workout always gonna feel like shit? Am i just doing it wrong? Was the euphoria or adrenaline you are supposed to feel just a silly or or a thing i just dont get?

apologies is this is the wrong community i just dont feel like there is any else i wouldnt be like, laughed out of

What is the longest that you can stand for your fingernails to be before you have to cut them?

What is the longest that you can stand for your fingernails to be before you have to cut them?

For me, once they get past 1/8 of an inch (0.32 cm) long, I feel like The Wolverine.

is there a way to reduce the frequency of posts from specific communities?

is there a way to reduce the frequency of posts from specific communities?

My feed is blown up by posts from memes. Like, 80% of posts are all from memes. Regardless of how I sort. If sorted by new/hot/top/active, any combination, it’s ALL memes.

Is there a way from the site, or any app that has the function to just reduce the amount? Or do I need to just block that community?

Why has the world gone so madly involved in U.S Politics.

Why has the world gone so madly involved in U.S Politics.

I am aware of the recent changes in the supreme court, LGBT and stuff happened in the U.S but everyone around the world is pissed even if doesn't affect them. Why?

Just generally on social media such as YT, Reddit, Twitch. People are so angry about everything. Both the left and right have lost their minds, it's like polarizing echochambers.

I'm just tired of this. Thankfully, these social platforms are dying which makes me happy.

I just hope Lemmy doesn't go political in the future. For now, I love it because it's nostalgia to the old internet. Trolls, memes, fun. This is it.

Although, I believe that the real average people are not like this irl.