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i would like to remind c/microthoughts readers that a) anyone can post and b) the standards are incredibly low

i would like to remind c/microthoughts readers that a) anyone can post and b) the standards are incredibly low

how do you promote a sub, shit

Some people like a smoke after sex but me, I prefer a swig of soda after an ice cream sandwich

Some people like a smoke after sex but me, I prefer a swig of soda after an ice cream sandwich

The definition of an evil toilet is one that makes you stand up to wipe

The definition of an evil toilet is one that makes you stand up to wipe

Just something I heard years ago, and it's been rolling around in my head ever since.

Hoping to pass it along. Rid myself of it.

I dont mind scuba and diving and snorkelling and all that

I dont mind scuba and diving and snorkelling and all that

As long as its strictly sexual

Don't mind me, I'm just empathy and solidarity posting

Don't mind me, I'm just empathy and solidarity posting

Staying at a hospital with my friend who is suffering from leukemia, I've come to the realization of how fragile we are, yet it makes me feel hopeful about humanity. I've seen lots of people and heard lots of stories. The patient next door (we are in a secluded area) hit his head and is in a coma. His family members come to tend to him and speak to him every day. Listening faintly to them singing and speaking brings tenderness to my heart. Seeing my friend smile and feel better after playing videogames and conversing together is truly priceless. She's such a sweet person. Despite the adversities and injustices of life everything's been working out for her and she's recovering, she'll hopefully be out in less than a week.

I think empathy and solidarity are some of the greatest things we have as a species. I wish more people could see that. Medicine as a whole is pretty cool, and it's just something I've never quite thought about, or at least it hadn't quite had an impact on me before because it's so commonplace. We dedicate a lot of effort and resources to helping people, and to say this is highly commendable would be a huge understatement.

I don't really know where to post this, it's like 4:30 am and I'm feeling a bit sensible. My friend's lost two very important people in her life within last year, this isn't the first time she's had leukemia, and these few months have been incredibly hard for her. Despite this, she keeps on going, she keeps smiling and laughing, and I really admire her.

I hope the patient next door recovers and gets to be with his loving family once more. I hope no one here has to go through anything similar, and if you are, I hope everything works out in the end.

If you've read this far, I appreciate that you took some time of your day to read my 4 am ramblings. I hope I've been of some help. If anything I want people to feel united, for we may have different nationalities and languages, but we feel the same feelings, our hearts speak a collective language.

Have a lovely life.

Private charter yacht cruises would be one of the few truly expensive hobbies I'd like to have if I were that wealthy.

Private charter yacht cruises would be one of the few truly expensive hobbies I'd like to have if I were that wealthy.

Whenever I think about the things I'd do if money truly weren't a limiting factor, I honestly can't think of more than a handful of really expensive things I'd like to have or do. However, the idea of a private cruise on a luxury yacht seems pretty intriguing. It's not so much about owning one but just going on a cruise every now and then. I watched a video on YouTube where a yacht's chef mentioned that the guests can ask for basically any food or drink, and they'll be able to make it for them. I must admit, that sounds pretty sweet.

I hate it when you need two ingredients for something, and you find out they are out of the second one and itd be a really long way to put back the first one

I hate it when you need two ingredients for something, and you find out they are out of the second one and itd be a really long way to put back the first one

Happened today btw

"Too bloated; Didn't read" should be a thing when someone shares a paywalled article with many ads

"Too bloated; Didn't read" should be a thing when someone shares a paywalled article with many ads

TB;DR: give a summary or archived versions without paywall of articles you share.,

You know you've gone the rabbit hole of free software if you access ".org"s more than ".com"s

You know you've gone the rabbit hole of free software if you access ".org"s more than ".com"s