A Community for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing


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[I'm not asking for medical advice!] Folks with Cholesteatoma, how did it start?

[I'm not asking for medical advice!] Folks with Cholesteatoma, how did it start?

X-posted from r/Deaf for better reach

I (22/M with Early Conductive Hearing Loss and A-B Gap) on my previous post said I feel "popped/blocked" sensation on my ears after I listen to audio for quite a time and a fellow redditor commented that he had the same "fullness in ear" sensation and got diagnosed with Cholesteatoma, so it got me wondering how it starts. Did peeps here with Cholesteatoma felt the same sensation as me after listening to audio for some time accompanying with pain in ears and behind the ears and ringing sound sometimes? A couple of months before I got diagnosed with Early Conductive Hearing Loss and A-B Gap I felt heaviness on my forehead with a dizzy feeling but before I could go to the doctor that sensation vanished. I'm feeling the same heaviness on the forehead and the dizzy feeling (on much lighter tone now though) for the past 5 days but this time I'm also feeling slight heaviness on the back of my head. I don't know if it's related to my ears or not. I'm also diagnosed with sinus headache and I'm off those meds for nearly 1½ months now so I don't know what to do. I just included these information so the folks who comment on this post can understand my condition better. I'm not asking for medical advice such as treatments or medicines! So mods please don't remove my post! I'm just asking for personal experiences of people who have Cholesteatoma. If I doubt I have Cholesteatoma I'll definitely go to the doctor! Thanks in advance for anyone who comments ♥️.

How long did it take before you went from HoH to full deaf?

How long did it take before you went from HoH to full deaf?

x-posted from r/Deaf because I didn't get any response there

I (22/M) had normal capacity of hearing since birth until last november where an incident involving fireworks got me diagnosed with early conductive hearing loss and Air-Bone gap (A-B gap). I can only hear audio ranges from 50 dB on the left ear and 40 dB on the right ear (This was during last year, it's much better now though, I couldn't hear anything on my left ear if I closed my right ear back then. I haven't taken an audiogram test since last December so these readings might not reflect current day scenario). When I asked my doctor whether this condition will progress into complete deafness his reply was "it all depends upon how you act and how careful you are, also don't use headphones". So I didn't consume any form of audio for the following 4 months, this includes watching TV, YouTube/Anime on mobile and absolutely no headphones. I didn't even make audio calls. But heh we are all humans and we need a little bit of entertainment in our lifes don't we? So I watched a little bit of anime here and there during April and May of this year (without headphones). But whenever I consume media with audio for a prolonged time I feel a sensation of ears getting 'blocked/popped' (sorry for my ignorance I'm very new to the world of HoH). So I stopped watching Anime for another 2 months then again resumed watching Anime on TV this July. It went fine for the most part but last night I again felt that 'blocked/popped' sensation. I know noise is my enemy but I need a little bit of anime to make me laugh when I'm stressed or depressed. So this got me wondering how much time do I have till I become completely deaf. Has anyone here been in the same situation as me? How long did it take you before you went complete dead? Sorry if my post was ignorant or offensive. My intention is not to offend anyone, I have very little medical knowledge and very new to the HoH world so some of the terms I mentioned here may be incorrect. English is not my first language so forgive me if there was any incoherence. Thanks in advance!

Welcome to the Community for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing!

Welcome to the Community for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing!

🤟 Welcome to the Community for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing! 🧏‍♀️🧏‍♂️

Are you seeking a supportive and inclusive space where you can connect with others who understand and appreciate the unique experiences of being Deaf or hard of hearing? Look no further, because you've found your new virtual home!

This space is a vibrant community created with the sole purpose of fostering understanding, empowerment, and camaraderie among individuals who are Deaf or hard of hearing. It's a place where we can share our stories, exchange knowledge, and offer support to one another, creating a network of friendship and understanding.

Here, you can expect to find a wide range of discussions and resources related to the Deaf and hard of hearing community, including:

🗣️ Personal Experiences: Share your own experiences, challenges, and triumphs in a safe and non-judgmental environment. Learn from others who have walked a similar path, finding solace in knowing that you are not alone.

🗣️ Accessibility: Explore topics related to accessibility in various aspects of life, such as communication, education, technology, employment, and public spaces. Discuss advancements in assistive technologies, sign language resources, captioning, and other tools that enhance inclusion.

🗣️ Language and Communication: Engage in conversations about different sign languages, their cultural significance, and their impact on the Deaf community. Share tips for effective communication, both within the Deaf community and with hearing individuals.

🗣️ Advocacy and Activism: Discuss and raise awareness about the rights, needs, and challenges faced by the Deaf and hard of hearing community. Share information about advocacy initiatives, legislation, and organizations working to create a more inclusive society.

🗣️ Education and Employment: Exchange insights and advice on pursuing education, career opportunities, and professional development as a Deaf or hard of hearing individual. Share success stories, tips for overcoming barriers, and resources for inclusive education and workplace environments.

🗣️ Cultural and Social Events: Stay updated on upcoming events, gatherings, and cultural activities that celebrate the richness and diversity of the Deaf and hard of hearing community. Share information about workshops, conferences, performances, and other exciting opportunities.

This space is built on principles of respect, empathy, and open-mindedness. We encourage active participation, kindness, and mutual support among all members. Together, we can create a safe and inclusive space where everyone's voice is heard, regardless of their hearing abilities.

Whether you're seeking advice, looking to share your knowledge, or simply wanting to connect with others who understand your journey, this space is here for you. We believe that by coming together as a community, we can celebrate our uniqueness, break down barriers, and strive for a more inclusive world.

So, join us in building connections, sharing stories, and creating lasting friendships. Let's embrace our Deaf and hard of hearing identities, celebrate our achievements, and support one another on this incredible journey.

We look forward to getting to know you and being a part of your journey in this wonderful community! 🤟🌟