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Could Global Warming cause societies to become nocturnal?

Could Global Warming cause societies to become nocturnal?

I noticed this Summer I started transitioning my morning walks to pre-sunrise hours to try to escape the heat (since even mornings in Ohio are getting to be hot). Since global warming (or climate change in general) is happening and there's apparently nothing to be done to fix it in our lifetimes, it made me wonder if our overall society might move towards more nocturnal working hours instead of the standard 9–5, just to escape overheating during the day?

There's probably no incentive currently, since workers aren't dropping like flies yet, but I could see it coming into play as global warming gets worse over time and it causes legitimate production issues. Probably some jobs wouldn't have the option, but most I think would be able to benefit from it. Does this sound like something realistic, or are we cursed to have to endure extreme temperatures because we've always worked in the daytime and we can't/won't change now?

As a nurse for many years I still don't get how Heroin addicts or any other street injectable can be done by first time users? Hell there has been a couple time where a vein moves or it blown.

As a nurse for many years I still don't get how Heroin addicts or any other street injectable can be done by first time users? Hell there has been a couple time where a vein moves or it blown.

What are your fears

What are your fears

Hello everyone

So I have a rather unusual fear of butterflies and a fear of darkness. The first one is definitely the fear that has confused lots of people in my life. I can't explain it, for some reason I am just afraid of them. If one even comes near me, I completely freak out. The latter is a rather childish fear of mine. I don't know why I'm afraid of the darkness specifically, but I know that I can't stand it.

So what are your fears?

What fruit is tasty on a pizza?

What fruit is tasty on a pizza?

What other fruit ( pineapple is wellknown ) would tast good on a pizza? That was the question i asked during lunch at school. The results off that class..
Passionfruit, watermelon and Strawberry were the favorite ones to be tasted.
Bad idee was kiwi, apple and cherrys.

What do you think?

What do you think the voting age should be?

What do you think the voting age should be?

About two years ago now, I was sitting on a bench in Central Park writing my initial thoughts on what I didn't know then but would come to know as Youth Rights.

I don't think I'll ever remember why she did, but about halfway through the day Greta Thunberg came to mind, and I looked up the voting age in Sweden. And my blood boiled in a way I've never experienced in my entire life.

16 years old and one of the most famous and recognizable political activists in the world. 16 years old giving a confident, impassioned, admonishing speech to the fucking UN. 16 years old with no legal right to a voice in her country. No voice to vote for the policies she believed in or the people who might enact them.

My writing, already vitriolic to a fault, managed to become even moreso but with the topic abruptly switched to voting. For the first time in my life, I considered where I'd place the voting age if I could do so unilaterally. Not long into considering it I had a thought that I wrote down immediately, a question I've asked well over 100 times at this point with no substantial answer:

When is it reasonable to say to a person, 'If you're not at least this old, then I don't give a fuck what you think'?

And from the moment I had that thought, I have been unable to place the voting age.

What is a video that you did not expect to take such a s udden and very dark turn?

What is a video that you did not expect to take such a s udden and very dark turn?

How come older people like to act like furries are this outlandish idea but the thought of being with a mermaid has been around a lot longer

How come older people like to act like furries are this outlandish idea but the thought of being with a mermaid has been around a lot longer

How easy or hard is it to hire a Hitman? I have seen movies basically where its just walking into a bar and asking. I also read news reports of so and so asking for a hitman. Can someone enlighten me?

How easy or hard is it to hire a Hitman? I have seen movies basically where its just walking into a bar and asking. I also read news reports of so and so asking for a hitman. Can someone enlighten me?

Many rulers have made drug dealing punishable by death based on "slippery slope murder". If the logic of that was applied to everything, what's the most peculiar possible implication you can think of?

Many rulers have made drug dealing punishable by death based on "slippery slope murder". If the logic of that was applied to everything, what's the most peculiar possible implication you can think of?

You could call this a sequel to my last question, but I was genuinely curious. Question inspired by someone I know joking about being arrested for selling donuts to someone who died as a result because they didn't need junk food.

What lemmy thinks of Iraq?

What lemmy thinks of Iraq?

As an Iraqi, I do ask this question to myself a lot, what the world opinion on modern Iraq. It changed a lot especially after ISIS war, but people here generally don't value the change that much due to high unemployment rates, drought, and bossy militias.