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What lemmy thinks of Iraq?

What lemmy thinks of Iraq?

As an Iraqi, I do ask this question to myself a lot, what the world opinion on modern Iraq. It changed a lot especially after ISIS war, but people here generally don't value the change that much due to high unemployment rates, drought, and bossy militias.

What happened to Anonymous? Why at this time they are not doxxing websites, leaking stuff, or shutting down porn websites?

What happened to Anonymous? Why at this time they are not doxxing websites, leaking stuff, or shutting down porn websites?

What was the conversation surrounding drugs and sex like in your home growing up?

What was the conversation surrounding drugs and sex like in your home growing up?

How would you teach digital literacy to 13-18 year old students?

How would you teach digital literacy to 13-18 year old students?

I am a student in Germany myself and got the rare chance to influence the education about CS/responsible use of technology people get in a special course I will give for the interested in my school this year.

The students will be eight grade and up, and it is a reasonable assumption that I will not have to deal with uninterested students (that and the probably small course size gives me an edge over normal courses beyond my actual planned lessons).

My motivation for investing substantial amounts of time and effort into this is my deeply hold belief that digital literacy is gonna be extremely important in the future, both societally and personally. I have the very unique chance to do something about this, even if only on a local level, and I’m gonna use that. I fail to see the current CS classes in German "high schools" (Gymnasien), and schools with our specialization (humanism) especially, provide needed education. We only had CS classes from grade eleven—where you learn Scratch or something similar and Java basics (most don’t really understand that either, or why you should learn it (a circumstance I very much understand)).
This state of affairs, and the increasing prevalence of smartphones instead of PCs means most students lack any fundamental understanding of the technology they’re using everyday.
My reason to believe that I’d be better at giving CS lessons than trained teachers is that these have to stick to very bad specific guidelines on what to teach, and a lack of CS graduates wanting to become teachers means our school has not a single one who studied any CS (I did).

Some of my personal ideas:

  • how do (basically all) computers work hardware-wise (overview over parts)
  • what is a computer/boot chain/operating system/program
  • hand out USB drives/cheap SSDs to students that they can keep (alternative: a ton of VMs and Proxmox users of one of my hosts) and have everyone pick and install their Linux distro of choice (yes, this is gonna be painful for all involved, but is also—as I suspect many of you already know—extremely rewarding and can be quite fun)
  • learning some "real" programming (would probably teach Python), my approach would be to learn basics and then pick projects and work alone or together (which is useful for learning Git/coding in a remotely readable way)
  • some discussion of open/closed source, corporate tech, enshittification, digital minimalism and philosophy of technology (which would be okay because, you know, humanistic school…)
  • maybe some networking (network stack, OSI, hacking Wifi networks…)

What are your thoughts and suggestions? Took me some time to get to an agreement with the school over this, so I’d like to do my absolute best.

Possibly relevant questions: what fundamental knowledge about tech do you suspect to be still relevant 15 years from now, what would you like to have learnt, what would you find interesting as a student this age…

Is there is any interesting free Json Feeds/ Apis?

Is there is any interesting free Json Feeds/ Apis?

cross-posted from:

I'm familiar with RSS, but I'm becoming increasingly passionate about JSON Feeds. This leads me to ask:

Besides NPR News, are there any other interesting JSON Feeds to follow?

Side Note: If this isn't the right community for this question, please guide me to a more appropriate one.

If Jesus rose from the dead and moved the rock himself. What would the rest of his life look like if he lived it to die of old age?

If Jesus rose from the dead and moved the rock himself. What would the rest of his life look like if he lived it to die of old age?

Do my phone and watch have explosives embedded in them?

Do my phone and watch have explosives embedded in them?

(Asking for the civilized world.)

what would be the best way to tell your supervisor to stop inquiring about your personal life and mobbing you into opening up?

what would be the best way to tell your supervisor to stop inquiring about your personal life and mobbing you into opening up?

my supervisor is an extrovert, whereas I'm an introvert. She feels insulted if I don't share my personal life with her and ridicules me before other coworkers because I separate private and work life and prefer to keep to myself.

I wrote mobbing because that's what it feels to me: a ritual of hers is to always eat together, a time she uses to ask me questions I don't want to answer. I usually answer very vaguely, which is not enough for her. If I eat alone, she'll complaint about why am I being so unfriendly.

She doesn't understand I need time alone to unwind.

She is convinced she is doing me a favor, but the opposite is true. It makes me dislike her even more.

I simply cannot win. It's tiring being blamed and shamed for preferring to read a book instead of talking about dogs or sex.

It makes me want to quit.

I don't know if I go to HR with an issue like this, because they may label me the odd one, the one who's not a teamplayer and use it against me.

Most people are extroverted and react angrily to somebody who keeps to himself and I've been bullied several times for this. Extroverts don't seem to understand that not showing interest in their sexual lives doesn't mean disrespect, but simply that I don't care about it.

The last time you were wearing a hat, what type was it?

The last time you were wearing a hat, what type was it?

If the logic of copyright/trademark/IP law applied to everything, what's the most peculiar possible implication you can think of for it?

If the logic of copyright/trademark/IP law applied to everything, what's the most peculiar possible implication you can think of for it?

Was thinking of this after a conversation I had on a thread about dreams. Someone joked "I was dreaming of the events of The Matrix, then I was woken up by someone worried my dream was infringing the Wachowski's copyrights", and it turned into a whole train of thought in my mind, like violating IP law because you stole fire from Zeus which was his intellectual property.