Bit idea: post unremarkable blurbs about violence to mess up the algorithm that tracks politically violent sentiment

According to that study, the post has to have at least 50 words and some undisclosed key words in order to be scraped.

I am the bomb at wrestling when compared to other people at my academy, but I suck compared to people with fresh wrestling experience. In the past, I was like, "I hate pulling guard, it doesn't feel like fighting." So I committed to either getting the takedown or getting takedown. My go to move is a duck under to the right side where I chicken wing my right arm to get an opening which exposes their back which, per its namesake, I duck under to get to the back. From there their neck is vulnerable, but if I choke them and they tap, I let go. If I didn't, I would be strangulating them. That's not being a good training partner