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Megathread Planning thread

Megathread Planning thread

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::: spoiler User and sitemod call @aaaaaaadjsf @Abraxiel @Abstraction @Acute_Engles @American_Communist22 @AnarchaPrincess @Antilope @Alaskaball @Aliveelectricwire @artificialset @bbnh69420 @BigLadKarlLiebknecht @bubbalu @buh @CatEars420 @cawsby @CDommunist @Cheesewizzard @Cherufe @ClimateChangeAnxiety @clover @comi @Commander_Data @ComradeCmdrPiggy @ComradeEchidna @context @congressbaseballfan @corgiwithalaptop @crime @CrispyFern @Cromalin @CyborgMarx @Dawn_Beveridge @Dirt_Owl @Dolores @Donut @drinkinglakewater @Dryad @ElChapoDeChapo @ElGosso @el_principito @EmmaGoldman @FidelCashflow @Flinch @flowernet @forcequit @Frogmanfromlake @Gabbo @GalaxyBrain @ghosts @Goadstool @GomerPyle @GorbinOutOverHere @GoroAkechi @Grownbravy @GVAGUY3 @HarryLime @hexaflexagonbear @HoChiMaxh @Hohsia @Ho_Chi_Chungus @Ideology @InevitableSwing @iwillavengeyoufather @I_HATE_JOHN_CALVIN @jabrd @JamesConeZone @Kanna @Kaputnik @Koa_lala @kristina @LesbianLiberty @marxisthayaca
@MaxOS @MelaniaTrump @Mindfury @mkultrawide @Nakoichi @PaulSmackage @plinky @PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS @PorkrollPosadist @President_Obama @PurrLure @Ram_The_Manparts @Redcuban1959 @RNAi
@Rojo27 @RoseColoredVoid @solaranus @SorosFootSoldier @Sickos @silent_water @Sphere @Spike @spring_rabbit @ssjmarx @take_five_seconds @TankieTanuki @Teekeeus @Tervell
@TheSpectreOfGay @ThisMachinePostsHog @ultraviolet @UlyssesT @Venustum @viva_la_juche @WhatDoYouMeanPodcast @Wheaties @WhyEssEff @WIIHAPPYFEW @wtypstanaccount04 @wombat @Yanqui_UXO @Zoift @Zuzak

@thelastaxolotl @WhoaSlowDownMaurice @Quimby @Lydia

@CARCOSA @liberal @ella @all_that_is_solid @KenBonesWildRide @KiraNerys @TomboyShulk @DuckNuckem @SapGreen @Zangief @scumlord @COMMENT @Antisocial_Socialist @DOPESMOKERDENG :::

How can I configure 2FA so I won't get locked out of all my accounts if the Mossad detonates my smartphone?

How can I configure 2FA so I won't get locked out of all my accounts if the Mossad detonates my smartphone?

Chat, is it creepy to have a totally unjustified crush

Chat, is it creepy to have a totally unjustified crush

I'm not sure I should start this conversation and I've been rewriting this a lot lol. But I could use some relating and opinions from fellow internet leftists

Ok so, to keep it really simple: I happened to share a meal with somebody I really liked. I have interacted casually (no flirting) for about a dozen minutes total and we exchanged contact because of shared-interests (not dating)

Now my brain is fried

I'm thinking about her way too much and it gives be bad vibes, she probably has no idea and I can't imagine the sheer horror of realising that someone is thinking this much about you after so little interaction.

I want to be a well-behaved straight (kinda bi but that's beyond the point) guy, I'm trying to be an ally to the feminist cause, so, failing this spectacularly at behaving normally in relation to women disgust me. I know I can't remove the patriarchy from my body but I damn wish I could.

[CW: very cringe and nerdy] I just had a cool thought about how what we do lives on through more than just genetics

[CW: very cringe and nerdy] I just had a cool thought about how what we do lives on through more than just genetics

Okay so, basically, the game EarthBound, yeah? The music in that game was written by a dude who was heavily influenced by the Beatles and other 60s/70s music. To the point where there is even sames from Beatles music used in EarthBound.

Ok so EarthBound, including its music in turn heavily inspired a bunch of Millennials including a fellow named Toby Fox whose work is heavily based on EarthBound to the point where Undertale and Deltarune use the soundfont and sound effects for a lot of things.

Which in turn inspired a ton of zoomers, and yeah you get the idea.

It's just a cool reminder of how we are all connected in the most cringe, nerd way I can think of. Everything we do touches other's lives, whether we realise it or not.

sicko-ness kris-love flowey-wink

Y'all remember that anti joke where you take a recent death or some structural destruction and say "Reports say he was trying to charge His Samsung Galaxy Note 7?"

Y'all remember that anti joke where you take a recent death or some structural destruction and say "Reports say he was trying to charge His Samsung Galaxy Note 7?"

Damn, they phones literally exploded tho

I'm worried about telling my partner that I might have bipolar disorder.

I'm worried about telling my partner that I might have bipolar disorder.

A few days ago, my partner told one of their coworkers about me making cookies at night, and the coworker immediately asked if I was manic. I decided to look into it and while I don't get highly manic or depressed, my behavior does match the symptoms pretty well. On top of that, about half of people with MS have a mood disorder.

I guess I don't want my partner to think of me as a normal person with a layer of personality on top due to BPD. And I really don't want them to be scared of my hurting them due to stereotypes about it. But there is a really good chance I have it (I will seek a diagnosis) and they have a right to know.

Edit: I sort of soft launched it by asking if they would think of me different or be scared of me if I had bipolar disorder, and they just straight up said yes, at least for a while. I'm hoping that at worst it's Cyclothymia.

Abortion is Self Defense

Abortion is Self Defense


I think I made a friend

I think I made a friend

We met at work and have a lot in common. But I’m an awkward s.o.b. and have been so hesitant to talk despite wanting to talk really bad. Anyways, we still managed to talk over the next few months at work and then exchanged numbers (she initiated). Now I texted her and we had a nice chat and she said she wanted to keep chatting! It genuinely feels so good ngl.

I'm frustrated and angry. Almost 13 months without work, got another rejection today after 4 interviews.

I'm frustrated and angry. Almost 13 months without work, got another rejection today after 4 interviews.

Y'all liked me enough to have 4 different people meet with me, what was the fucking problem? What did I do that made me not ONE OF THE TEN PEOPLE they hired for the role?

peppino-angry guts-rage

A comrade on here was kind enough to lend me their gig work account (once again Hexbear saves my ass IRL <3 ), so I'm chugging away on that to make rent this month, and my power bill is way overdue but I'm sure I can do something for that down the line. I've got another interview with some other company next week, but goddamn. I thought I had this one in the bag. I was hoping to get this weight off my shoulders, but the more time goes on, it just gets....heavier and heavier.

Death to Amerikkka, death to techbros, death to the data-driven economy.

currently spiralling about being unemployed for 3 years

currently spiralling about being unemployed for 3 years

Hello chat

I upped my anxiety med dosage a bit ago and the anxiety has been so bad

Currently I am spiralling bc I've been unemployed for 3 years now and I haven't been looking for anything for the last few months bc it's made my mental health so bad i physically can't do it

I'm imagining it's going to be another few years until I'm stable enough to get back in there, and at that point I feel like I'm totally doomed due to having such a big gap and it'll be a never ending cycle

Idk if anyone feels like giving a pep talk I'd appreciate it lol

Also sry if this is the wrong comm the mental health ones mod only now so idk where to post