ARFID & antibiotics

what're you choking down when you have to eat something to keep the pills down, and you have to take the pills

I tried taking doxycycline on an empty stomach yesterday and boy howdy, was that a bad decision – great ab workout though 😂🤢

last night, my new morning plan had been to have my Adderall when I wake up, some yogurt 2 hours later, then 2 hours later have toast and hummus or something with the doxycycline

great plan, except I don't usually eat this early, and I couldn't even get through half a cup of yogurt, which has been a lifelong safe food that I really really reeeeeally don't want to be put off

maybe skip the yogurt step and just shove a piece of bread down my throat? I already have a weird relationship with bread, I'm fine with being put off it for a while after this

on a totally unrelated note, you should definitely always wear bug repellent and check yourself for ticks when you come inside for the day

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Oof, doxycycline on an empty stomach - did that once, had to call out sick, which I never do.

You mention ticks - doxy for Lyme?


I foolishly wore wide-leg cargo pants while playing outside with my dog and didn't apply bug spray 🤦

Mint ice cream. Works every time.

This is kinda genius, thank you! I love ice cream. I bet there's some good minty almond or coconut ice cream in town 🤔

One of my keenest childhood associations is mint ice cream and antibiotics, so I hope it works well for you. I haven't had antibiotics in a while so I don't have immediate recs for a vegan one, but I think all the brands I can get around here have at least one mint variety. If you find a good one let me know!

I will ❤️ thank you very much for the suggestion!