I finally caught covid

It sucks.

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meow-hug I'm sorry comrade. Will you be able to get retrovirals? Make sure to rest well.

I couldn't figure out how to get retrovirals from my insurer (hooray good system) but I'm already a lot better anyway.

Amazing you lasted this long, youre in for a rough week. Drink plenty of water!


During the first day, I kept drinking and drinking, but it never stayed and rehydrated my face, and I just had to keep going to the bathroom. Bodies are weird.

hope you recover quickly!

:meow-hug: but at a distance.

Sorry comrade. Hope you feel better soon. Rest heaps and try to get antivirals.


I was too out of it yesterday to navigate my insurance provider and figure out how to get antivirals (great system lol) and today I'm already mostly better, so I guess I'll just skip them?

They're already in your possession? I'd take them, anything to reduce the chances for long covid is worth it.

If you don't yet have them, it's a tough call. I know that navigating hospitals aren't easy, and rest might be better. There's no solid answer from me. All I can say with my limited knowledge is "you should ask a doctor". Ya, I know that ain't easy living in burgerland.

Make sure to keep it locked up, it has caused enough trouble

Putting on my dog catching uniform and pulling out my big net as we speak.

Just getting over my first bout of it. Stay strong comrade. ❤️

Holy shit is this your first time? How did you last this long

Well, it's the first time I've had a positive test, and one of the worst colds I've had since the pandemic started. But I have been sick a few times and I don't really trust the free tests they were handing out, so I don't know.

I work from home, stay inside a lot (not a complete shut-in, but not hitting the bars or anything), have responsible friends, always wear a mask in public buildings, and got all my vaccines.