2023 End of year thread!!

It's high time we have one of these threads! Post what you liked, what you didn't like, recommendations for stuff released on 2023, whatever you want. I'm trying to speedrun like a million albums because so much stuff was dropped this year and I just wasn't in the mood for keeping track of it but here are my picks for best albums of 2023 from the stuff I did get around to listen:

World's End Girlfriend - RESISTANCE & THE BLESSING (post rock, glitch)

King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - PetroDragonic Apocalypse (thrash metal, stoner metal)

Chini.png - El Día Libre de Polux (art pop, shoegaze)

Full of Hell, Nothing - When No Birds Sang (sludge, post metal)

Klein - Star in the Hood (Sound Collage)