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New data science tool greatly speeds up molecular analysis of our environment

New data science tool greatly speeds up molecular analysis of our environment

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New data science tool greatly speeds up molecular analysis of our environment

A research team led by scientists at the University of California, Riverside, has developed a computational workflow for analyzing large data sets in the field of metabolomics, the study of small molecules found within cells, biofluids, tissues, and entire ecosystems.

New data science tool greatly speeds up molecular analysis of our environment
AI tools help uncover enzyme mechanisms for lasso peptides

AI tools help uncover enzyme mechanisms for lasso peptides

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AI tools help uncover enzyme mechanisms for lasso peptides

Lasso peptides are natural products made by bacteria. Their unusual lasso shape endows them with remarkable stability, protecting them from extreme conditions. In a new study, published in Nature Chemical Biology, researchers have constructed and tested models for how these peptides are made and demonstrated how this information might be used to advance lasso peptide-based drugs into the clinic.

Light momentum turns pure silicon from an indirect to a direct bandgap semiconductor

Light momentum turns pure silicon from an indirect to a direct bandgap semiconductor

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Light momentum turns pure silicon from an indirect to a direct bandgap semiconductor

UC Irvine-led research reveals that the optical properties of materials can be dramatically enhanced—not by changing the materials themselves, but by giving the light new properties.

Light momentum turns pure silicon from an indirect to a direct bandgap semiconductor
Study reveals large ocean heat storage efficiency during the last deglaciation

Study reveals large ocean heat storage efficiency during the last deglaciation

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Study reveals large ocean heat storage efficiency during the last deglaciation

As one of the largest heat reservoirs in the climate system, the global ocean absorbs more than 90% of the excess energy from ongoing anthropogenic warming. In the last century, the greatest warming in the ocean has occurred in the upper 500 m, with relatively weak warming in the deep ocean, corresponding to a small ocean heat storage efficiency of ~0.1.

Study reveals large ocean heat storage efficiency during the last deglaciation
Citizen science collaboration yields precise data on exoplanet WASP-77 A b

Citizen science collaboration yields precise data on exoplanet WASP-77 A b

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Citizen science collaboration yields precise data on exoplanet WASP-77 A b

A planet swings in front of its star, dimming the starlight we see. Events like these, called transits, provide us with bounties of information about exoplanets—planets around stars other than the sun. But predicting when these special events occur can be challenging…unless you have help from volunteers.

Citizen science collaboration yields precise data on exoplanet WASP-77 A b
A possible explanation for the 'missing plastic problem': New detection technique finds microplastics in coral skeletons

A possible explanation for the 'missing plastic problem': New detection technique finds microplastics in coral skeletons

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A possible explanation for the 'missing plastic problem': New detection technique finds microplastics in coral skeletons

Researchers from Japan and Thailand investigating microplastics in coral have found that all three parts of the coral anatomy—surface mucus, tissue, and skeleton—contain microplastics. The findings were made possible thanks to a new microplastic detection technique developed by the team and applied to coral for the first time.

A possible explanation for the 'missing plastic problem': New detection technique finds microplastics in coral skeletons
Genome sequence analysis identifies new driver of antimicrobial resistance

Genome sequence analysis identifies new driver of antimicrobial resistance

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Analysis of heterostructures for spintronics shows how two desired quantum-physical effects reinforce each other

Analysis of heterostructures for spintronics shows how two desired quantum-physical effects reinforce each other

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Evolved in the lab, found in nature: Uncovering hidden pH sensing abilities in microbial cultures

Evolved in the lab, found in nature: Uncovering hidden pH sensing abilities in microbial cultures

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Harnessing exosomes and hydrogels for advanced diabetic wound healing

Harnessing exosomes and hydrogels for advanced diabetic wound healing

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Harnessing exosomes and hydrogels for advanced diabetic wound healing

Diabetes, a widespread condition affecting approximately 13% of American adults, is often accompanied by complications such as impaired wound healing. If left unchecked, this can lead to severe outcomes, including the need for amputation.

Harnessing exosomes and hydrogels for advanced diabetic wound healing