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theLazyPragmatic commented on Game System Recommendations

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There's some resemblance there, that's true :) We played Gloomhaven before Forbidden Lands, too, but all online, so there weren't many stickers involved in the first place. Congratulations on finding a group to play, are you campaigning or just hexcrawling? There's a community for FbL on lemmy, did you know?

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theLazyPragmatic commented on Game System Recommendations

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It must be an urban classic by now, but I can't stop marvelling at free league's forbidden lands. The system is dead-simple, yet leaves all the room for nuance and tactics. The fantasy world is classic, but with a surprise twist here. The official campaigns are superb with lots of "aha!" Secrets to discover, while at the same time a low-prep gameplay with just travel (well done hexcrawl) and randomly generated sites is also possible.

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theLazyPragmatic commented on Obsidian Template for Session Notes

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I did not know iframes worked in Obsidian. Cool, might give it another chance.

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theLazyPragmatic commented on Official sites in Ravenland

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::: spoiler Ravenhole When I read of Ravenhole, I think of Heavy-Metal-College-Parties as depicted in movies from the 80s/90s. (By no means do I think real-world Heavy Metal and violence coincides or correlates)

Lots of booze, loud music and stupid ideas. With Ogres.

Best placed in Harmsmoor, F23 for example. :::

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theLazyPragmatic commented on Official sites in Ravenland

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::: spoiler Vale of the dead The Vale of the dead is very secluded and hard to find (unless you follow the evil eye) The game itself suggests that you can place the stanengist crown here and having Scrome watch over it is only second to hiding it in the stillmist.

V45 or its neighbours are suitably hard to reach. If you feel that's too close to Rustland (Harga/Begrand) and in reach of cunning demons, move it towards Y50. :::

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theLazyPragmatic commented on Official sites in Ravenland

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::: spoiler Grindbone Slavery is, understandably, a red flag for many and I have some issues wether it would be lucrative at all. Grindbone is purposefully located at a river; bear in mind that bloodlings can't manifest over water. A hex in the center will work well, on W26 most of the map will be reachable by waterway :::

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theLazyPragmatic commented on Official sites in Ravenland

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::: spoiler Stonegarden Not much to say here - it's a dwarven fortress in the mountains. Rumor has it that they secretly ally with the Urhur Orcs, so placing it near makes a lot of sense.

I suggest the mountains to the northwest of Ravenland, E8 for example


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theLazyPragmatic commented on Official sites in Ravenland

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::: spoiler Haggler's House Haggler's house should be placed on the plains of Harga, in the Heartland of the Rust church and not too far from Alderstone. Placing it near but not on a body of water will have helped to provide slaves during the bloodmist, while at the same time acting as natural defense (because apart from Rust brothers, no serious army could cross the bloodmist.)

N41 :::

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theLazyPragmatic commented on Official sites in Ravenland

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::: spoiler Pelagia Pelagia is, of course, found on the shores of ravenland. How far north is up to you and how accessible you want to make it for your players. It does not belong on the island of maidenholm and I would not see it fitting in the south, on the coast of Belifar.

AM30 or north of that is what I'd recommend. :::

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theLazyPragmatic commented on Official sites in Ravenland

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::: spoiler Amber's Peak Amber's Peak is Zertormes Castle, who in turn is leader of a collection of Aslene tribes. as he liberated the plains of Margelda, it makes sense to place Amber's peak there:

Ah21 would be a niche place. :::