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azvasKvklenko commented on Good DAWS and VSTs for linux

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As for Windows plugins with no native Linux version, there are ways to use VSTs over Wine. Check out Yabridge project. There’s no guarantee that 100% of plugins will work, but many do pretty well. It requires some additional setup, but once it’s done, you don’t have to think about it much, just call yabridgectl when you add new plugins to sync them (it creates stub library that is seen as Linux native, but it wraps Windows plugin using Wine)

Reaper is perfectly fine choice if you’re already familiar with it, but here are some other you may want to look at:

FOSS Options:

  • Ardour - it’s pretty old, UX is not perfectly intuitive, basically GIMP of the audio world, but it can do everything you’d expect a professional DAW to do, while being incredibly lightweight. It’s straightforward to install on any Linux system.
  • Zrhythm - it’s a new DAW that didn’t have a stable release yet, but it’s on 1.0 RC1 so I guess it’s pretty close. It has some promising user interface and feature set, also easy to get installed, but might not be super solid just yet.

Commercial options:

  • Bitwig Studio - probably the best audio workstation for Linux, but also the most expensive.
  • Waveform Tracktion - I personally had mixed experience with it. On one hand the UX and flow is quite good (not as flexible as ardour, way more opinionated, but still fully functional and easier to use), but I had bad time dealing with a large project as the editor becomes extremely sluggish as your project grows.
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azvasKvklenko commented on Bazzite ? maybe not for V-rising.

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I deleted my comment right after I added it, but apparently it doesn’t always work like that on fediverse

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azvasKvklenko commented on Bazzite ? maybe not for V-rising.

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Permanently Deleted

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azvasKvklenko commented on Every time I search for a USB key, I end up finding the ones flashed with OS ISOs! I don't have a normal key anymore lol

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What’s a use of USB sticks anyway outside of booting operating systems? They perform worse (or on par at best) than modern wifi adapters

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azvasKvklenko commented on I managed to run The Sims 4 on Linux after over 6 hours

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Virus is just a program that tries to whatever its malicious intent is while being as minimal and portable as it gets. It it’s a ransomeare to encrypt all your data or a program that looks for passwords in your files, it can still be fairly successful when running through Wine. There is a chance through, that it assumes typical paths where Windows keeps files and if it never tries other drives than C, it will only affect Wine prefix and not your actual files.

You can run Bottles in Flatpak and cut out access to any of your files if you’re afraid it can be malicious

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azvasKvklenko commented on I managed to run The Sims 4 on Linux after over 6 hours

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Torrent edition worked flawlessly with no need to tinker at all. Just saying

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azvasKvklenko commented on Little help here linux guys? Trying to figure out what distro to use

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Wait for NVIDIA 555 driver release, use a bleeding edge rolling release distro (like Arch or OpenSuse tumbleweed) to get explicit sync support and use Wayland instead of X11. Soon the pain will be over…

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azvasKvklenko commented on XWayland 24.1 Released With Explicit Sync, Better Rootful Experience

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That’s a very long story, but in short - X11 was adopted as display system for Linux in 90’s at the very beginning because it was the only standard display protocol for UNIX systems at that time and it was natural consequence to take it along with the ability to port all the software that was made for it starting in 80s. The design of X started to quickly show its limitations and a replacement was considered. Wayland development was slow for a long time, because the priority was on usability of current graphics stack, which on X it was all in pretty bad shape even not so long ago. X is really not going anywhere with its feature while and only being in maintenance. Additionally, Wayland is very different and in some aspects, so it’s not possible to port things 1:1.

Initially Wayland only supported integer scaling (if you used fractional scale in such scenario, it would render next integer and downscale to your resolution, causing some font rendering imperfections), but new protocol was introduced last year after years of debates and different attempts. New compositors paired with new clients will now render mostly perfectly in fractional scales, but clients that don’t support that will still use previous method. There are also X apps running on Xwayland. Some compositors (like kwin) allow those clients to render natively scaled, some upscale from 100%, so the windows are blurry.

Other OS-es don’t have such problems, because:

  • they’re centrally controlled by just one entity with clear business strategy and unlimited budget
  • in monolithic systems where there’s just one UI and everything is tightly integrated, it’s much easier to innovate the software
  • closed source code don’t have to be perfect, they can hack it as much as they need as long as it’s doing well on end-users’ machine
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azvasKvklenko commented on What's your most unpopular opinion about music ?

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Early Decapitated is my absolutely favorite (tech)death ever. I can easily find more technically impressive music, but it feels like good songwriting with is not very common in that genre.

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azvasKvklenko commented on Linux 6.9 released