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Omgpwnies commented on I guess we doin'

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Not necessarily the best, but definitely high quality

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Omgpwnies commented on Why are so many leaders in tech evil?

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Psychos aren't the 'scream in your face and belittle you' type of people, it's the silver-tongued devils that talk about family values and the environment and how their thing helps people, all while making backroom deals and lobbying governments to pass laws in their favour or any other number of shit. Psychos will appear on the surface as the nicest goddamn person you ever met, and you won't think otherwise until you find the knife in your back.

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Omgpwnies commented on Why are so many leaders in tech evil?

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Precisely. Maybe small companies have decent owners, but anything with a value of over a few million is likely to be run by one of these types.

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Omgpwnies commented on Why are so many leaders in tech evil?

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You don't work with them, you work for them. The only capitalists in capitalism is the ownership class, the rest are just slaves to the system under which they are born.

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Omgpwnies commented on Anon drives a bus

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Pretty much the first thing that needed to be solved when moving from 1-way pagers to 2-way phones. Pagers could just get a broadcast analog signal and determine themselves if they were the intended recipient. 2-way needed more bandwidth and a dedicated communication channel to a specific device, so broadcast wasn't feasible. Thus, phones would send a registration signal that a tower would pick up, and that specific tower would handle all communication to that phone. If another tower got the registration signal, communication would switch to that tower.

Interestingly enough, there was a period (for a fairly long time) that if you were travelling too fast, you could either a) not be able to register on a network, or b) overwhelm the network with registrations - part of the reason why phones had to be turned off on airplanes

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Omgpwnies commented on Anon gets banned from Walmart

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didn't offer the manager a foot rub first. Power has perks

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Omgpwnies commented on Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous?

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Sounds like mods and admins can already do this, and if the barrier to entry to being an admin is firing up a Docker container, I don't see the purpose in restricting users from seeing it

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Omgpwnies commented on “Why can’t I get a girlfriend? I’m such a catch!”

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with the calipers to prove his measurement

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Omgpwnies commented on Galen Weston is Satan.

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The 'wasabi' you get at most sushi joints is actually just a coloured horseradish paste. Real wasabi is a different plant (but it's still a type of radish) and far more expensive. It's also grated fresh on your dish as the flavour dissipates very fast.

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Omgpwnies commented on Man who pulled gun after worker at Colorado Burger King wouldn't take drugs for payment gets 143 years in prison

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If it's his third time, then the system failed to give him the proper help at least twice as well.