How do you stop the homepage/frontpage from auto updating?

How do youu stop lemmy from auto updating the front page. It sucks reading over something and boom inside my place. Is there a way to minimize this?

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Based on the comments on this GitHub issue for the lemmy ui, this should be resolved in the next update.

Thanks for doing the leg work 🙂

That's what they pay me the big bucks for.

There's an open GitHub issue regarding adding an option to disable live updates. Doesn't look like anyone's done any work on it yet though.

I hope this gets fixed. I am an old.reddit refugee and want my page to stay static until I refresh or hit the Next button

Same here. I heard its a bug and in the next update it will be fixed

+1, with increasing users and posts, this is becoming a real pain. BTW, this post just popped up to the top of my home page haha

Yes crazy. Looks like there is a open issue with auto updating/live updating but nobody has gotten to it yet. This is still so new.

Also, I dont think sort type seems to affect the posts that auto-populate because I see all kinds of random stuff pop up regardless of what sort type I have selected.

That's the neat thing; you don't.