Wrong word

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I worked with a lady who did this all the time. She'd over hear words and just start using them at work and even with clients. She offered people "dime bags" assuming it meant "a small bag". She heard someone call a charcuterie board a "coochie board" and thought it was cute so kept saying it. She called her husband "Big D" because his name starts with D and the default icon her phone gave him was a capital D and she thought it was a cute nickname.

She knew. She was a master troll!

I was surprised to find out how many people call them coochie boards. I dated a woman who called it that, and the first time she said it, I barely sputtered out “a what board?”

Lol I've heard people use 'shark-coochie board' unironically

I used to work with a guy that told me he would, "Netflix and chill" at his desk at lunch. Which was his way of saying he just ate at his desk instead of going out to eat.

I had that in my dating profile not knowing the meaning had changed. I genuinely just liked watching Netflix.

What's cool is that it's a reasonable word for what she used it for. Just a bunch of stuff flying and landing wherever, with little concern for the stuff itself, or how much clean-up is required.

Kinda like how bullshit drops at random and stinks up the place it drops, with no concern by the entity that dropped it.

It's utter bukake that this woman got dissed by someone that couldn't stop and consider things before the load of bukake they dropped on the internet about it.

I strongly recommend that lemmy turn the use of bukake as synonym for bullshit into a thing.

This is a load of bukkake. Not even the correct spelling.

How the fuck did I miss that? I must have had some bukakke in my eye or something ;)

It means "sprinkle" so yeah I guess.

I like chocolate bukkakes on my egg creams

Just need to say it was “bull caca” like a polite word for BS.

I never know how it is pronounced, is it bu-ka-ke or bu-cake

the first one, it's Japanese.

If you were to unmute your porn every once in a while you'd know.

That's one brave woman... stupid, but brave.

Doesn't it technically just mean wave?