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Lil buddy is going to jail

But their tail is wagging, and they're having so much fun! You wouldn't sentence such a cute, waggy tail, would you?

Lots of people thought their cute butt would save them from jail. Most of them were very wrong.

Believe it or not, jail.

It may seem cute now but it won't be so funny if he crashes that plane.

If wonder if this would be good way to be rescued in woods or deserted Island

I would say no, while it could easily get their attention and you very well might be forgiven for it given those circumstances, it would not work out well if they crashed because of it, best case scenario: now you're not the only one who needs rescuing, worst case scenario, well there's a lot of worst case scenarios.

I didn't think it would cause a crash. If it will then 100% bad idea. I was thinking oh there is something over here and bring them closer. I saw a video of a lazer light on a helicopter night cam and It seemed like it was more annoying than anything but I'm not a pilot.

Oh man top comments was talking about how bad this is. Better not do this people.