It's like the bag is less greasy.

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There's this guy that makes existing unhealthy products look "healthy" by playing with the product design. Can't remember the account now

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Cleaned link for anyone that wants it:

The URLCheck app seems to bork the cleaning process on YouTube links. Had to fix it manually

I gave up.

Now I just add my social security number to the URL query params.

I really dont think that looks any healthier, tbh. Maybe more expensive, but not healthier.

Yup, I actually think it would be doable to make them look healthier just with the design but this guy failed.

That's actually really clever

That dude's talented, and he has the same accent as Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg

Thanks that's the one!

you can tell potato chips are healthy

ok i'm gonna stop you right there

Too late. Ate the whole bag.

by 'bag' you mean the bag full of bags, right?

Also if the packing is really dark then it's gourmet

Bag? My chips come in a can, like any sophisticated food.

Were they put there by a man?

In a factory downtooooown!

If I had my little way!

A man with a plan.

Pringles must be the healthiest chips!

Not true. The least oily and palm oil infested chips in my country have a cool silver bag

To every rule there is an exception

That's not true, I know of a rule that has no exceptions.

There's a rule which says that there's an exception to every rule. That rule is no exception.

That’s not true, you know all the rules (and so do I) 🎵