[Solved] How to know why a package is being updated/installed

Hey, sometimes when I do pacman -Syu, I see some weird package being installed and I am curious which explicitly installed package is installing/updating it.

How do I so with pacman?

I know we can easily find out why an installed package is being installed, but what about before the package is being installed?

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pacman -Qi is the correct tool for this job.

Ah, it worked. I thought Qi only works for packages that are already installed. Didn't knew it worked for things that are synced as a new dependency of a package

Dependencies are installed, they're just installed as dependencies lol

I believe Pacman -Si or -Sii [package name] is what you are looking for.

-Sii is reverse dependencies iirc

also pactree [-r] would be quite useful

From the pacman man page:

   -i, --info
       Display information on a
       given sync database package.
       Passing two --info or -i
       flags will also display
       those packages in all
       repositories that depend on
       this package.

Oh, I didn't knew you can pass 2 is. I was depending on the tab completion from pacman, but I didn't see that it says you could specify i's