Rick and Morty have shit the bed. Without Roiland, the show will take the same path as The Simpsons after Conan O'Brien left.

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Upvoted the post only because it started a conversation, not because I agree with the thesis.

Counter-argument. Rick and Morty hit the reset button too many times in prior seasons, and the result is that any stakes they may contrive to convince the audience that the characters are in any danger is gone.

So it doesn't matter now what they do.

While I haven't seen the latest episode yet, this season's been mostly good. Every season people come out of the woodwork to moan about how much the new season sucks. If it sucks so much, stop watching it

The latest episode as of now, ricknarok, i thin k it was called. Made me laugh out loud, its been a while. Classic rick and morty adventure, with a i cant believe they did that spin

Last episode, the number and letter one sucked in my opinion, but every episode can't be amazing.

I laughed my ass off at the Water T episode. My favorite so far is the Kuato episode. I rewound Rick yelling "Kuato Knife" a good ten times or so, cackling like a lunatic the entire time.

I made this post after watching the number and letter one, which I think was terrible. Then I watched the most recent episode and it was pretty great. I am really surprised that it recieved such a low rating actually. So I may eat my words after all!

I definitely think the latest season was the weakest by far.

It's kind of disappointing, cause I always thought Harmon was the real driving force behind the show.

The show is cursed at this point. They're just gonna barely squeeze out the remaining episodes to fulfill their contract and then drop it like a hot potato.