[meta] thanks for not camel casing your post titles

I wasn’t sure how to express my gratitude.

It wasn’t bad for the occasional topical jest but holy shit does it make reading feeds painful.

Edit: in no way am I making a statement about code syntax. We don't write documentation in camel case for good reason.

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Damn, that second one was tough. I didn't expect to find the word 'eschew' lol

I had to constantly skip back and forth to figure out where one word starts and another ends. Very painful to read, I've found new appreciation for whitespace.

If you go back in time far enough you can find manuscripts from before word separators were standard... they fucking suck.

SQL programmers be like:

Get your SpongeBob-ass casing outta here

Is this like BaSeSixTYfOuR?

I'm surprised how easy that is to read!

Sorry, am on mobile: snarkily replying in some weird letter mashup is far too much effort right now.

Surprisingly legible, but feels like I can only read it with momentum, flitting past it and letting my subconscious tell me where the word breaks are. The moment I get confused and look more closely, it becomes almost impossible to read.


ofcyfpos() #posix

GetWittyReplyExA() #msvc

man 2 ofcyfpos

The "f" stands for fuck.

Note that while Visual C++'s msvcrt doesn't implement this POSIX function officially, there's a nonstandard _ofcyfpos_s() and it will in fact warn you that any use of the official ofcyfpos() is unsafe. The semantics are slightly different (it'll return 1 on success instead of the length of the reply) so you can't just #define the problem away.

UCRT makes me so hard.

Don't forget to set the cbSize of the GETWITTYREPLYEXINFO structure before passing it to GetWittyReplyEx() or you'll get funny things happening to your stack!

You didn't specify wide or ascii, we're all doomed.

I'm glad to to meet another Knight of 9x.

That's handled by virtue of GetWittyReplyEx being #defined to GetWittyReplyExA and GetWittyReplyExW right? Just be aware that nMaxReplyMessage needs to be specified in bytes (excluding the null terminator!) but the returned length is in characters.

well hopefully that's how you're writing it.

i've definitely found the ascii version of a syscall being called because that's what the linux project uses so why wouldn't the junior dev that was assigned the port do it too?

there's no #define that will save you from that. I may or may not have been that junior dev so no shade.



> unexpected character error on [You']


Looks like OP is using a form of Hungarian notation in the post title...

imabigfanofidontfuckingcare. youreadthecode, itsyourproblemnow.


capital letters should be abolished