Lemmy is still awesome. I am amazed that so many people are still using it

Makes me happy. It's easy to have a good time here.

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No, YOU are awesome!

šŸ˜Š aaaaw



I expect a surge of new users the next time Reddit squeezes their users. I expect Reddit to pull a YouTube.

This time, lemmy will be way more capable to handle a surge.


I'm still hoping we can get some stuff done before that happens. It'll be a mess regardless, but it might help with some of the friction

  • v0.19 has some much needed features
  • some better guides and established communities to get help / learn about lemmy
  • better moderation tools are much needed

At the same time, we already have a lot of good stuff now. All the frontends, mobile apps, and browser extensions just did not exist a few months ago. That alone is very impressive

It's a matter of slow growth. If it all happened fast with a huge user base, things would break and stop functioning in more places and more often ... which would drive people away.

It's better to just grow everything slowly and steadily. It's better to be reliable, than the biggest and fastest.

I'm here for the long haul. And we'll probably look back fondly at this time when everything was small and just starting. I'm happy I'm here and I look forward to what is to come.


some better guides and established communities to get help / learn about lemmy

On that one, thank you for all the work you are doing with !newtolemmy@lemmy.ca !




youtube is more secure than reddit.

it's hard to offer that much video content for free


Free is now kind of debatable for Youtube. Sure, you can do it but the adds...


FYI: "pulling a YouTube " == forcing ads for web browsers


I also didn't quite expect it to stick around for that long with so many people. It's my main new source actually (I have some additional but anyway). I kind of switched from Mastodon to Lemmy when it comes to consumption of social media.


Me too! I'm on mastodon and here and just generally feel more at home here and more comfortable with the structure and design.

I'm just back to using fark.com and tumblr as well ... things my reddit addiction had not been leaving time for. Lemmy is much more my speed.

Yeah to me it's more useful and fun than microblogging as well.


When I registered 2y ago I didn't think that I'd stick around for so long.
I'm glad that I did.

hell yes. Before the big reddit fiasco it was soooo quiet here ^^


I feel the same. It's awesome that there's a whole community and content. Lovely to see all the smaller communities too




It is a nice place indeed


We did it, everybody. High fives!

(Ok, I can't take that much credit. I haven't been here all that long. But I'll still high-five you if you want.)




It is. For me, it shows we can easily have fun user-controlled social media. That's the key to take back the web. That's positive and makes me feel good. But unfortunately, the vast majority of people seem to not care at all about this. Of the dozens of people I spoke too about Lemmy, not a single one joined. I got a single friend to join Mastodon. I don't understand why so many people, organisation, media, that say they're "left leaning" cant stick to Musk's garbage X. Gotta be patient.