How loose is too loose on a Samsung T7 Shield?

I've just bought a Samsung T7 Shield SSD and the connection is fairly loose. I've seen people complaining about theirs being very loose to the point where it would just get disconnected with normal movements. In my case it is not as severe, as regularly it doesn't seem to come off and, for example, when connected to my phone I can move it around and even hang it from my phone with no support.

However, the connection is much looser than my phone's and my other SSD's (a Corsair EX100U) USB C connection. Even wiggling it with next to no strength is enough to make it pop off, while this never happens with the other devices.

As I said, in my short testing it doesn't seem to come off with what I would consider "normal circumstances" (moving the phone around a bit, or moving my laptop to a different place with the SSD connected), though I don't know if it'll get worse and how much worse. So I'm wondering if it's worth to ask for a replacement.