Newly registered but no email from Check junk folder

Not sure if this will help anyone, but I registered on here and was waiting for the email to come through to verify my email address. I figured maybe it was taking a while because the server was getting hammered. Turns out it was in my junk folder. So if you’re newly registered and haven’t received that email yet, I would check there.

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Same for Got the email immediately, but it was in the spam folder.

Lemmy.One as well. Email right away, but went to spam.

Sometimes the approval emails get stuck in SPAM. You can try logging in as you might have been approved already and just never got the email.

Make sure you also mark as not spam for others in the future!

Also note that and are very slammed right now, users of these services are reporting very slow pages and difficulties using the site.

Many small instances have extra capacity but not a lot of ways to let people know they are out there. Happy to take some people over at

The smaller less-loaded instances are very fast!