[Qtile] I spent way too much time on this.

It might not look like anything special, but I spent an embarrassing number of hours on this rice, mostly on the non-graphical user interactions. The layout is a custom master-stack implementation, the groupbox widget is an almost complete reimplementation to support a more flexible styling on multihead systems, the Nvidia GPU monitor widget is completely my own, there are popups and context menus out the ass, and there is a persistence module that saves dynamic data (like layouts and group names) between sessions.

Tomorrow I'm moving to Wayland and I might not have the patience to get Qtile running again.

edit: Wallpaper sauce https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/89596288

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Nice! What's your Wayland-plan?

Don't worry about the hrs spend of learning, lol

Hyprland+Waybar, most likely. I heard that other compositors don't work well with the nonfree Nvidia driver.

I like having tab-like titles in my bar too :)

nice job! all hail arch Linux chan

Looks very nice man. Have fun with the Wayland transition :)