As protesting Guatemalan students were arrested, one girl handcuffed and crying, her mother hugged her and said "Distance one mile lap pace 8 minutes 52 seconds"

I was laughing too hard from that to listen to the rest of the story, so I have no idea what's happening in Guatemala.

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What? Context?

If I had to guess, they where listening to a podcast when it got interrupted by their running app.

Yeah listening to an NPR podcast when my running app broke in at the worst/perfect time.

I tend to listen to stuff like yeah nah pasaran, behind the bastards, or when diplomacy fails when I run. Occasionally I'm sent into fits of dark laughter at the hilarious awfulness of events/people. It is always a little embarassing when I pass some bush walkers, then abruptly double over in hysterics gesturing futilely to my earbuds by way of explanation.

Haha! I know the feeling! I try not to listen to anything so funny that I'll laugh out loud and mess up my breathing, I've made that mistake before (also with lifting, I've almost dropped dumbbells on my head laughing), but I love something funny and narrative for a run like last podcast on the left or the dollop. I might not laugh but I'm often grinning ear to ear while running, which I'm sure gives off all kinds of psycho vibes to the walkers I pass.

Also thanks for the podcast recommendations! I'm a fan of behind the bastards but haven't heard the other ones

Oh they're pretty nerdy. Yeah nah is about Nazis in Australia and when diplomacy fails is a dude explaining how historical wars broke out from a very state centric perspective.

I laugh because what else can you do when someone is describing 20 people sitting in a room being like "so uhhh none of us want to kill each other right? unfortunately 10 years ago we all signed the 'let's kill each other promise' and uhhh yeah that's a thing now"