Wednesday's Theme: Work [WTW]


For this Wednesday's theme, please explore the world of work. Do Jedis work from home? Are droids taking our jobs? Does your promotion strategy mostly consist of waiting for your boss to get force-chocked to death? etc.

Please tag themed posts with [WTW] (for Work-Themed Wednesday)

Thank you!

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Bonus repost:

Stormtrooper: It’s not that I’m lazy, I just don’t care.

Stormtrooper: It’s not that I’m a bad shot, I just don’t care.

By definition, Jedis are doing the Good.

But be it in movies, books or comics, I never came accross any mention of working hours or PTO.

They have unionize.

I want you to catch him... and then let him go. And now... the hunt can truly begin!