The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.2022 to 05.11.2023

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 05.11.23 were approximately:
personnel ‒ about 305090 (+990) persons,
tanks ‒ 5284 (+8),
APV ‒ 9953 (+14),
artillery systems – 7375 (+12),
MLRS – 867 (+6),
Anti-aircraft warfare systems ‒ 570 (+2),
aircraft – 322 (+0),
helicopters – 324 (+0),
UAV operational-tactical level – 5534 (+0),
cruise missiles ‒ 1554 (+3),
warships / boats ‒ 20 (+0),
submarines - 1 (+0),
vehicles and fuel tanks – 9730 (+14),
special equipment ‒ 1047 (+9)
Data are being updated.
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Very high number of 990 personel lost but only moderate material losses. I guess human lives are cheaper than equipment for the Russians.

If you look at latest Avdiivka charges, it's a meatbath. But so was almost all Russian imperial and Soviet union tactics. By making human/zombie waves they overwhelm atrillery/local defences and inevitably take ground in expense of few hundreds of men. Weird but when there is a shortage of everything except for people its how it goes in all totalitarian institutions.

What I found strange is that I never believed that Moskovia had more than 4k operating tanks. They surprised me this time.

Yeah I'd sure would like to know how many they got left and in what stages of readiness.