What are you drinking this weekend?

I had a paper plane yesterday and making raspberry syrup right now to try this one, guess I'm not ready to let Halloween go quite yet:

The Dead Rabbit

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Here it is. Not black like the picture, followed the directions but it came out a lovely pink. Smokey tart raspberry, pretty good but not amazing. I like tart drinks and hardly ever say this but this I think could be sweeter. I used good mezcal (Del Maguey) and think a rougher one might be better in here too, and a reposada tequila not claro.

Looks good from here! I’m noting this for the future.

Oh man a paper plane might be my favorite cocktail. Last night I tried a Palace Hotel, it was ok, but I think I prefer a Burnt Fuselage for my cognac drinks. Tonight I kept it simple and just did some whisky in my mulled apple cider

I double the bourbon (or half everything else, depends on the day) and that makes it absolutely perfect IMO. As equal parts it's a little sweet for me but with 2x bourbon I think it is my favorite drink, and the favorite of several people I've served it to.

Lindemanns Apfel Lambic, Belgian atmosphere never tasted so good. Sweet and dry and grassy and funky, all at once.

Rum Negroni

A light Sunday drink. 1.5oz Deep Eddy Grapefruit, .5oz mezcal, .5oz lime leaf syrup, 1oz lime juice. Shake, stir in Topo Chico, strain over fresh ice. Very refreshing. Husband is having the Jai Alai.